Chapter 34 - Part 1

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*Leigh's POV* (The next Day)

I groaned as I walked downstairs. My head pounding from the long hours of sleep.

"Coffee. Now." I croaked as I padded into the kitchen, a small smile on Gemma's face as she nodded, following me as I sat at the table.

"Thanks." I mumbled as she silently handed me a mug, the sharp smell filling my nostrils as I sipped. The warmth filling my chest.

"So - I see the wedding is still on." Gem's voice rang casually, her eyes locked on my wedding ring. Which still faithfully remained on my ring finger.

I nodded, my words stuck in my chest as my eyes darted to the window. The early sunrise illuminating the dark kitchen.

"He called me earlier."

My head snapped around at the sound. My eyes now locked on Gemma's dark brown orbs as she glanced at me. Sadness spreading through her face. As she watched me.

"...I think he's telling the truth. Love.." She whispered softly, her hand firmly on top of mine as we became silent, the soft sound of the radio filling our ears.

But, my blood suddenly ran cold as an all too familiar melody hit my ears.

"Give me love... like her...cause lately I've been waking up alone."

The sweet sound of Ed Sheeran's voice caressed my ears. Its past meaning stabbing my heart.

It may not have been Harry's voice.

But it was enough to push me over the edge.

Tears flooded my eyes then, my lips quivering as my head slowly sunk , my forehead on the cold wood of the table as my body shook. My sobs raking through my body.

Despite all things, much like Gemma, I did believe Harry.

But even with such a strong belief.

The pain, had not only scorched my heart.

But had opened old wounds as well.

*Harry's POV*

"May I be glad to Present - One Direction!" The interviewers voice boomed, the audience going wild as we walked on stage. My eyes casted downwards.

Of all places I could choose to be.

This was the last place I preferred.

"I know your down Haz. But we need you to perk up a tad." Liam's low whisper hit my ears as we sat, Louis shooting him a glance in the next instance, his arm casually wrapping around my shoulders as we glanced at Elaine, our interviewer.

"Well boys! How are you liking Portland?" She asked happily, the audience grinning from ear to ear as they watched.

"Its amazing!" Zayn and Liam cheered huge grins spreading across their faces as they watched the audience.

The interview quickly flowed after that, questions being asked, are usual generic answers being given. But my mind was far away. Miles away to be exact.

"Hazza. Care to check back in?" Lou joked, breaking me from my daze as he meaningfully squeezed my shoulder, my eyes back to Elaine as she spoke.

"Err - Sorry I'm a little out of it today." I exclaimed, forcing a small smile on my face as I did so.

"I bet. So, might I ask how are things on the home front with the soon to be Mrs?" Elaine asked, an evil glint in her eye. The double meaning to her words stabbing my heart.

"I - Err.." I paused, Zayn's voice suddenly stepping in.

"What he means is, their great, despite current accusations." He explained, heavily stressing accusations as he sat, his head held high as he watched Elaine's stunned face, he was never one to speak out in interviews.

"So they are accusations then? They have not been confirmed? Nor has a statement been made?" She asked lightly, anger filling my veins now,she was looking at this as a break in her career, rather than a moment to release the truth.

"Actually, there is nothing to be confirmed." Louis jumped in, my mouth agape as all my best friends jumped in, their voices meshing as they came to my defense. My bass voice causing them to pause as I spoke.

" My actions, were very much so pictured in the wrong light - " I started, taking a deep breath as I began.

"I did, go drinking, I did dance and talk with those two girls, But that picture, was taken moments before I shoved her away. My act of rejection towards her was the key piece missing from the photo. Because the press, as usual, tends to piece things together how they please. No thought, behind their action." I said coldly, Niall sending me a knowing look as I sat, my eyes firm on the audience as I continued.

"Now, I don't say this out of bitterness, its their job to do so. Its how they make a living. - But needless to say, much as Louis explained, there is nothing to be confirmed, because nothing happened, I have been, and will continue to be faithful to Leigh." I felt a strong pair of hands gripping my shoulder as I finished, my eyes casted upwards, meeting with Liam's as he looked towards the audience, a proud smile on his lips.

Elaine began to stutter now, my words having caught her off guard as she spoke.

"Well- There you have it loves! And I'm terrified to admit that we are out of time. So once again! May we have a round of applause for none other than One Direction!"

With that, we slowly rose, waving to the audience as we walked off stage, a sigh abruptly escaping my lips as we got backstage.

"Thanks." I murmured as we all reached our dressing room, Zayn and Lou nodding in unision.

"I know how it feels mate. Just don't let it tear you down like it did to me." Zayn said bitterly, his emotions from his past relationship filling his face as he sat. The memories of the tabloids accusing him of cheating filling my mind. Despite all our efforts, Perrie had still chosen to believe them over us, and Zayn.

Chills ran up my spine at the memories. The sheer thought of Leigh doing such breaking my heart.

"Well. That was quite a show."

Our heads spun at the familiar voice, my eyes connecting with Simon's instantly.

But what froze my heart, and mind.

Was the lean figure standing behind him.

The grey eyes that pooled with tears as my feet hit the floor, sprinting, as my breath came in ragged gasps, my hands reaching out to touch her. To hold her. To feel the warmth that once filled my chest so abundantly, that burned so brightly, yet again.

Leigh, had came to me.

And there was no way, I was letting her go.

Until things were fixed.


Woo! Omg loves! we hit 4mil! :3


I cried writing this. Idk why. Harry feels just seem to overwhelm me lately xD

Part two of this chapter - Will take a few days to be up - simply because I want it to be very meaningful. It will set the tone for 30 Days : One Direction, especially because there are about 6 more chapters until the FINAL chap (the wedding) now the number of chaps MAY change. It really depends on what my brain comes up with xD

So! Vote! Vote! Vote some more and comment! Tell me what you think!

Song for the chapter : Love Somebody By Maroon 5

Contact me and tell me what you think?

KIK : EliStylik

Twitter : @britishhatheart

OR if you'd rather contact me on my personal (for whatever reason) - @Beyrouty17Eli

Take Care - Much Love



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