Chapter Nine *Unedited*

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*Harry's Pov*

I fidgeted with my blazer nervously as I knocked on the door. My palms sweaty as the fire in my chest burned hotter than ever as I waited patiently.

"Harry!" Isa squealed loudly as she suddenly sprang the door wide open, her yellow ribbon tied on her wrist today rather than in her hair.

"Hey cutie." I chuckled as I swooped her into my arms and headed for the kitchen where I presumed Leigh was.

I stood there against the door frame with Isa in my arms as I watched her. She looked so focused as she cooked, her hair was tousled down her back, her long legs covered in Skinnies, her bare feet looking a bright tan compared to the black color of her pants. She wore a simple white v - neck, her skin looking darker than usual against the bright fabric.

I glanced at Isa, motioning her with my lips to be quiet, her smile growing wide as she nodded. I cautiously walked my feet silent across the kitchen floor as I snook behind Leigh.

"Need a Hand?" I asked placing my hand on the small of her back.

"Eeeeek!" She jumped instantly, just as I expected, her face turning a slight shade of pink as she realized it was only me. Isa's laughter rising high above the ceiling as she giggled at her sisters expression.

"I.. Err- No I'm just about done." She said quickly, a habit I had come to realize that she did while nervous.

I nodded placing Isa on her chair at the table. Looking over Leigh's shoulder as she finished dishing up our plates.

"It's good to see you." I said softly, not even realizing what I had said until it was too late, the words already having flown from my mouth.

She froze, her body feeling tense, rather from my close proximity or my words I'll never know. But I could feel my heart sink in my chest at her reaction.

"Its..its good to see you too Harry." She said softly, slowly maneuvering around me as she carried the large salad bowl to the table.

I stood there for a short while, my mind racing.

Wait...So...She missed me?

I tried my best to keep the grin wiped off my face as I made my way to the table.

Suddenly I was much more excited for tonight. Not only to be with Leigh, Or Isa for that matter.

But to feel the fire in my chest again.

*Leigh's POV*

I chuckled to myself as I finished the dishes, Isa had challenged Harry into staring contest, one of her favorite games for some reason. I leaned against the door frame patiently waiting for the winner to be declared, the sun had set and it was getting close to time for me to put Isa in bed.

I couldn't help but smile to myself though, it was the cutest thing I had possibly ever seen, his green eyes held open tightly the smirk on his face bringing his dimples out as he stared at my little sister. Only for his eyes to finally give , his hands reaching for Isa in the same second, tickling her into blinking as they bickered like children as to who won.

"Harry?" Isa asked abruptly her eyes locked on him seriously.

"Yes love?" He asked, motioning for me to join them on the couch. I walked over, my eyes on Isa as I sat wondering what she was going to ask.

"Will you sing for me?"

*Harry's Pov*

"Will you sing for me?" Isa asked excitedly as Leigh sat next to me on the couch, her eyes now on her older sisters as well.

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