Chapter Twelve *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

I smiled proudly as the guys left. They had all gotten along amazingly well with Leigh. And Isabella had already stolen their hearts from the second they walked into the house.

My smile slowly grew into a grin as I leaned against the back door as my eyes gazed at the backyard. My chest filling with warmth and pride at the thought of today's events. Louis and Leigh having clicked intensely quick, their friendly banter and arguments causing hysterics to fill the house, our laughter raising high above the ceilings as we joked through out the day. Her smile permanently engraving itself in my heart, and mind. Her smile suddenly not only her own, but became a part of mine as well.

"So what do you think?" I asked suddenly feeling Leigh's presence behind me. My heart accelerating at the close proximity of her.

"They are, well, amazing" She chuckled as she hesitantly grabbed my hand, leading me to the grass.

I smiled at her, nodding in agreement as we sat, the cool grass tickling my skin as we stayed there in silence. That was one thing I enjoyed about Leigh, we could sit there, in complete silence, for hours, and it would never feel strange or awkward. Just each others presence, the essence of our heart beats was enough to fill the air.

I laid back in the grass now, my eyes gazing at the sunset. The bright pinks and yellows filling the sky brilliantly. I watched Leigh fiddle with her hands from the corner of my eye. Her eyes casted downward as she bit her lip, a sign she was deep in thought.

"What are you thinking?" I whispered, slowly pulling a stray piece of hair behind he ear.

She sighed, leaning back into the grass now, her eyes casted towards the sky.

"Isabella starts school soon." She said simply, closing her eyes now, her face illuminated by the warm sky.

"You know shell do great love." I murmured as I shifted, supporting my weight with my elbow as I twisted to face her.

"That's not the point harry." Her voice filled with venom as she replied, my eyes going wide at her sudden out burst.

She sighed, sitting up now, her eyes filled with sorrow as she glanced down at me.

"I'm sorry...I don't meant to sound so intense...I just..." - I suddenly shushed her, cutting her off mid sentence as I sat up, pulling her into my arms as I went, her back now against my chest as I looked at the now darkening sky. My chest growing warmer as wrapped my arms around her.

"No need to be sorry, I understand." I whispered burrowing my face in her hair. A small smile forming on my lips as she squeezed my arms. Returning my embrace.

"I'm just, I don't know Haz, she's all I have. I'm just terrified to let her go. She's only six for crying out loud! I... I..God I sound ridiculous." She explained this quickly, her voice getting higher as it filled with emotion. I chuckled giving her a gentle squeeze.

"First off, she's not all you have, you have me as well." I whispered softly, as I lightly kissed her hair, hoping she wouldn't push me away over the gesture.

She didn't, my heart accelerating as she leaned further back, my chin now placed on top of her head as she nodded, our emotions seeming to electrify the air.

"And second." I started, shifting back as I gently pulled her chin so she'd face me. Her eyes filled with confusion, but also with another emotion I couldn't pin point. Her eyes seemed to shift with her emotions lately, her green flecks much brighter than usual in this moment.

"We" I stated first, stressing the simple word. "we will get through this, together." I finished , softly pressing my lips to her forehead. A small sigh escaping her lips as she nodded, her face now buried in the crook of my neck.

And I swear, in that moment, time felt infinite. The beat of her heart against my chest the only sense of time I could ever need.

And with that moment, I came upon a small realization, one, that I had realized the moment I laid eyes on her, my mind, just never ready to admit it. Until fate, proved my heart to be correct, and my mind completely wrong.

I needed Leigh as mine. And I wouldn't stop, until she realized, despite how quickly they may have arisen.

How infinite my feelings truly were.



So I know this chap is kinda small-ish but I had been with my mom at her DR. appointments all day and I'm exhausted! Lol But otherwise I hope you all like the chap :)


You guys are so amazing :) I cant even contain my excitement! :3

The next few chapters will be filled with a bit more action and quite a few surprises ;)

So! Quick question, would you guys rather me do chapters like this in ONE POV and just alternate with chaps. ( one chap just Hazza the next Lee and so forth)

Or did you like the mixed POV chaps better? Let me know through message or in the comments!

Next update should be Sometime between tomorrow and Monday depending on what's all happening.


Take care loves,



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