Chapter 32 - Part 1

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(The Next Week)

*Leigh's POV*

"I really wanna love somebody! I really wanna dance the night away! Were really only half way there so take me all the way, take me all the way - ay - ay -ay." I sang, my body warming as the hot water from the shower trickled down my back.

"Hurry up Leelee!" Gemma yelled, banging on the door, a sigh instantly escaping my lips. She had some big surprise planned out today. My mood shifting instantly at the sound of her voice. I loved Gemma to death. She was my best friend.

But all I wanted to do is sleep.

I had been having a rough time lately, missing Harry more and more each day. My body finally starting to react to all the stress I was put under. My dreams still haunting me when I slept alone.

And to top it all off, the fans had became equally divided. Some were ecstatic for Harry and I. Others, of course, were far less supportive.




Gold digger.


Waste of space.

These were the things I heard daily. And at first, it didn't bother me. My stubborn mind keeping my emotions locked tightly. But slowly, as the days turned into weeks. They began to crack my foundation. I knew this would happen though, and I knew I was going to adjust to it. Because I loved Harry too much not too.

But without him at my side, the cracks in my foundation, were slowly turning into gaps as I crumbled in on myself. Piece by piece.

I shook my head as I stepped out of the shower, desperate to shake the thoughts from my mind as I dressed. My legs concealed in bright skinny red skinnie's with Harry's black jack willis hoodie. I was exhausted, in every aspect.

"Leigh! Hurry up!"

I froze at the voice, my hand in my tousled hair.


Quickly I added a bit of mascara and slipped on my Toms, heading straight for the living room.

"Simon? What are you doing here?" I asked instantly, Isa on his lap, a huge grin spread across her face.

"Well, you cant pick out your wedding dress, without your favorite uncle." He mused, a bright grin on his face as Gemma handed me my purse.

I mentally face palmed, of course this is what Gem had planned.

"Simon, you wear the same white shirt every day." I mused, my mind terrified at the wedding dresses he would pick out. I shook my head at the thought sliding my leather jacket over Harry's hoodie, the warmth covering my body.

He glared at me playfully, rolling his eyes, Gemma's giggles filling my ears as we walked out the door, Isa tight as Simon's side as usual.

And for some reason, suddenly the day seemed a little brighter. Because after I bought this dress.

I would be one step closer to saying those two magic words.

I do.

*Harry's POV*

I grinned as I scrolled through twitter, Leigh's most recent tweet suddenly catching my eye.

@LeighOrionStyles : Dress shopping with Uncle Simon and Gem today (: xx. My heart speeding at the site. We were one step closer to being together.

The sudden sound of a knock at the door broke me from my daze, locking my phone in the same instant.

"What?" I called out, leaning back in bed, my head gazing upwards.

"Got a second?" Liam whispered, the door slowly opening, a groan instantly escaping my lips, my eyes locking with his as he watched me hesitantly.

I rolled my eyes, silently motioning with my hand for him to enter.

Timidly, he moved forward, sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Haz.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't what I want." I stated simply, fiddling with my phone now as I did so, my anger starting to slowly boil.

"No Haz. Listen. I'm sorry for not thinking things through, I'm sorry for taking my frustration about Dani out on you and Leigh... I do love Lee...But just...not like that... And I'm going to call her and apologize...but Harry don't let a mistake I made ruin our friendship." His words flowed quickly, his eyes solemn as he watched my facial reactions.

Slowly, I stood, my eyes locked with Liam, holding my hand out, a smirk on my face.

"Its about time you realized it mate." I chuckled, bringing him up for a brotherly hug. Our laughter filling the air. I couldn't stay mad at Liam, he was too important to me.

"But. I'll only forgive you on one condition." I stated simply. A grin growing on my face.

"Hmm?" He asked, His eyes bright, already knowing exactly what I was thinking. Our brotherly minds already in tune yet again.

"I think its about time we pulled a stunt of our own."


Woo! Hey loves!

Sorry this chap took so long, I had been super busy /.\ BUT I can promise that Part two of this chapter will be up sometime tonight :3 Im really excited to write it, I have some fun scenes planned out.

So! What do you guys think? Vote / Comment as Always!

Btw - A few of you guys message me, but since Aria and I share this account I thought I would Just give you guys my Kik. Feel free to message me anytime. Whether its for advice, writing help, or just to talk :) My username is EliStylik

Anywho! Vote vote vote! and Vote some more. The more votes the sooner part two is up ;3

Take Care and Lots of Love



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