Chapter 23

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*Leigh's POV*

I smiled as we walked, our hands intertwined perfectly. My heart still racing from earlier, his voice, and eyes now embedded on my heart, today having become on of the most important in my life.

"I love you." I murmured suddenly as we walked up the steps to the porch, his green eyes bright as he smiled at me.

"I love you too, Mrs. Styles." He chuckled, leaving soft kisses on my now reddened cheeks.

"DID SHE SAY YES?" The sudden boom of two very familiar voices filled my ears. Mine and Harry's eyes both now on two of the people we loved most.

I lifted my hand up, showing off the new jewelry, Lou's face lighting up instantly, Isa's smile growing large as she sat high on his shoulders.

I chuckled at their expressions, grabbing Isa swiftly as I walked into the house, Harry always tight at my side. Almost as if he thought I would run from him.

"I helped pick it!" She cheered, Harry and Louis' laughter ringing loudly behind me.

"Oh is that so?" I chuckled now, Harry's eyes bright as he watched me.

She smiled, continuing to explain the whole ordeal. I listened, nodding intently as another part of my brain began to roam.

Harry caught my eye suddenly, his eyes watching me intently as he smiled, his dimples becoming evident on his face.

And I knew then, that no matter how young we were, or how soon it might be.

That this was the best choice I had ever made.

And also, that yellow, did not forever mean goodbye to me now.

It meant a new beginning as well.

*Harry's POV*

I smiled as I put Isa to bed, Lou having left moments before.

"Stay with me?"

Leigh's voice caught me off guard, causing me to spin around, a giggle escaping her lips at my expression.

"Come on." She giggled again, already in her pajamas as she guided me to her room.

"Lee." I murmured, softly closing the bedroom door behind me.

"Hmm?" She said sliding into the bed now, her eyes bright as she watched me.

"How do you feel about meeting my family tomorrow?" I grinned, stripping down to my boxers in the same second, slowly climbing into the bed, my arms snaking around her waist.

She looked up at me, her grey eyes wide.

"W-What if they don't like me? What if the don't like Isa? Oh Harry I -"

"Shush." I chuckled at her words, her eyes filled with fear.

"First off, how could they not like you?" I murmured, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Second of all, no one can resist Isaboo." I chuckled with a wink. Her laughter filling my ears now.

She sighed jokingly, slightly sitting up now, her eyes casted high towards the ceiling, my fingertips rubbing small circles lightly on her shoulder.

"Fine." She mumbled now, rolling her eyes at me as the grin grew large on my face.

She sunk back down now, her face in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around her again. The room growing silent, the slight sound of our joined heartbeat filling the air. I yawned as my eyes began to flutter shut, my heart completely content.

"Harry?" Leigh whispered, her voice so soft it barely caressed my ears.

"Hmm?" I murmured giving her a gentle squeeze, letting her know she had my full attention.

"Thank you." The soft whisper once again barely reaching my ears, almost as if it was never said.

"For what love?" I asked, my eyes opening as my curiosity spiked. But I was too late, for she had already fallen asleep, her long eye lashes casted downwards making shadows across her cheek bones.

I left a light kiss on her lips, my heart speeding at the sensation, my eyes becoming heavier now once again, my mind slipping away as I slowly fell asleep.

But the fire in my chest, stayed wide awake.

Something, that I hoped, would forever remain.


Woo! Almost 75k. OMG. Ilysm.

So- My phone is still down, and updates will still be slower sadly - BUT I will say I'm hoping to update again tomorrow if not then I will surely before the week is out!

I know this chapter is slightly filler-ish. And short :/ But things have been intense, and I've had NO time. However I promise that things will soon pick up once again ;3

Anywho- Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! And Comment of course. But especially Vote ;D hehe

BTW - How are you guys? If there's any stories of YOURS or others you would like me to read/ think I'd like (I'm painfully bored) Let me know in comments/messages and Ill be sure to check em out ;3

Take Care



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