Chapter 33 - Part 1

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(2 Weeks Later)

*Leigh's POV*

I yawned happily, padding slowly down stairs to the living room, my energy high, my surprise for Harry already planned to a T. And just a little over two more weeks til I could execute it.

"Gemma?" I called out, the smell of bacon filling my nostrils as I made my way to the kitchen, the sun illuminating the white walls.

"Close, but no cigar." Simon chuckled, his black hair a disheveled mess as he cooked, his fatherly stance warming my heart as I leaned against the door frame.

Simon tended to come and go as he pleased, slowly becoming more and more important to me. His role in our tight knit family becoming more and more father like.

"Where'd the girls go?" I asked, realizing Isa was no where in site.

"They ran to the store for milk."

I nodded, slowly padding to the kitchen table, sitting as I scrolled through my twitter.



Some more hate.

And a little bit of love filled my mentions, rolling my eyes as I maneuvered out of the screen. Not even bothering to read the latest 1D gossip.

But one, very specific trend caught me eye.


"Simon?" I asked, confusion filling my voice what where they talking about?

Our heads snapped up as the front door slammed, Gemma storming in. Her eyes angry as Isa trailed behind her.

"Well who pissed in your cheerios - " I started jokingly, put was cut short by the image that caught my eyes. A magazine in her hand. With my name on the cover.

"What is that?" Simon and I hissed in unison, Gemma silent as she handed me the magazine. Her eyes sympathetic as she watched my facial expressions.

It was a tabloid, the Title printed largely in white letters across the page.

"Harry Styles, spotted with two very hot dates at A Local Portland Club - Could there be trouble in Paradise with Fiance Leigh Orion?"

Below it, was a picture of what looked like a very, very drunk Harry, with two girls in his arms, one, with her lips against his neck. His eyes smoldering.

Those eyes.

I knew that look.

My phone vibrating caught my attention, the caller I'd showing a Picture of Zayn and I together at starbucks, our tongues sticking out as we sat ina booth, our usual weekend ritual. A small smile formed on my lips at the memory of my best friend.

But it was quickly ripped away as another call came through, this ID picture much different. It was the picture Harry and I took together the morning he left. Our hair tousled every which way as we laid in bed, his lips on my cheek as the flash hit.

I shook my head as the tears began to fall, I through my phone to Simon, letting the magazine fall to the floor. Grabbing my jacket in the next instant as I stormed from the flat. Ignoring Gemma's shouts as I went.

How could he?

After all that we had been through. He knew how I felt about drinking.

Had he gotten so drunk.

That he really lost his grip on reality? To forget that he is engaged.

To forget about his image? That he wasn't a single player anymore. He was committed.

I paused mid-step, my tears flowing freely as I sunk against the alley wall.

Or maybe, he was never truly committed at all.

And with that. For the first time in years.

I felt my heart literally crack, the pain in my chest and mind consuming me as I sat.

And like many times before. A small piece of my heart burned, slowly leaving me as I breathed, the cold air burning my lungs.

That small piece.

Was my trust for Harry.

And I wasn't sure - if the burn - could be repaired.

*Harry's POV*

"THANK YOU PORTLAND!" I yelled as the show came to an end. My body soaked in sweat, my adrenaline running high.

As the room grew darker I jogged backstage, catching up with the rest of the boys a grin plastered on my face as I did so. This was by far one of our best concerts yet. And It felt great.

"Harry Edward Styles." Zayn's voice caught me off guard as I entered our dressing room, his tone much harsher than usual. His hazel eyes, much like everyone else's, were glued to mine.

"What's up lads?"

"Harry. How many times have I said that you shouldn't go drinking without one of us?" Liam questioned me quietly as he leaned against the sofa, his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose. A gesture meaning he was reaching a boiling point.

"What - what are you talking about?" I asked walking forward, I had gone drinking the other night, but I was only gone for a little over an hour, nothing fancy, nothing special.

"This." Niall said slowly, throwing a magazine at me. His blue eyes filled with sadness as he watched my reactions.

There I stood, with two girls, my arms around both of them. A generally harmless picture.

Except they were half naked.

And one.

Had her lips pleasantly placed right on my neck.

I gasped at the picture. The moment coming back to me now, I had pushed the girl off of me instantly, but not quick enough for the photo to be taken.

"Oh. And to top it all off." Louis started his eyes hard as he watched me. His mouth agape as Zayn cut him off.

"Leigh, wont answer the phone."

"Harry! How could you be so careless?" Liam asked, his eyes casted towards the ceiling.

"Mate..You know how Leigh feels about that..." Zayn and Louis said together, Niall nodding as I glanced at the floor. Shame filling my veins.

It's then that my eyes finally came to the heading. My heart clenching at the site.

"Harry Styles, spotted with two very hot dates at A Local Portland Club - Could there be trouble in Paradise with Fiance Leigh Orion?"

And I knew, that I may, have even though it was a mistake made out of ignorance, out of carelessness.

That I may of just made the biggest mistake of my life.


Uhoh O__O

Sigh - I had to throw my city in there ;3 Go Portland! Lol the boys never come here though /.\ its pretty depressing.

Anywho! So what do you loves think? Comment/KIK me and let me know (EliStylik is my username)

Next update will be TONIGHT maybe. The more you vote - the more likely it will be up ;3

Just a few more chaps til Leigh's big surprise - Then the wedding. Which will then open the Next fic :3 Im so excited to start sharing 30 Days with you guys! I think youll really like it :3

But vote! vote! and vote some more - Comment of course.

Take Care - Lots Of Love



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