Chapter 28

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(The Next Day @ The Interview)

*Harry's POV*

"Please welcome, the one and only, One Direction!" The announcer cried happily. I took a deep breath, Lou nudging my side encouragingly as we swiftly walked on stage.

Half way to the couch, the boys and I made eye contact, a message transpiring between our eyes, nodding suddenly, we ran for it. All of us jumping and piling on the couch, giggling at the old memories.

When we finally got situated, I turned to Dianne, the interviewer, to see her grinning at us.

"Why hello boys!" She said enthusiastically, "Its so great to have you here."

"Its great to be here again." Liam's voice rang first, a smile evident on his face.

She kept talking, doing the general introductions and teasing the crowd, but my mind began to drift, Leigh's face filling my thoughts as my nerves began to run high.

"Harry? Hazza!"I heard a voice cry, and a snapped back just in time to dodge Louis' hand coming towards my face.

"Wha- Ah! Lou what the hell?" I cried laughing, pushing him so he was half way on top of Zayn.

His eyes got wide, and he put a hand to his heart, mock hurt spreading through out his features. "H-hazza?" He cried. "How could you push me away? You're one true love?!"

"Think someone already stole that part mate.." Niall mumbled under his breath, his crooked grin prominent on his face. As he looking at me knowingly.

"Oh bugger off Nialler." I chuckled grinning happily.

He stuck his tongue out at me, his laughter filling the studio.

"Okay boys!" Dianne chuckled, "Let's ask some questions shall we?"

We all turned our attention back to her, and waited for the questions, already forming answers in our heads.

The questions were always the same. 'How was the recording going?' 'Is Larry Stylinson real?!!?1!?!1' And more ranodm, sexual questions that we just tried to laugh off.

"Alright! So first we have one from @1DLuvinn. It says, 'If you guys could live on just one food for a year, what would it be?"

Louis opened his mouth to answer, but before he had the chance, a group of fans began screaming hysterically from the audience.


We all chuckled, Louis doing a slight facepalm at the comment. I knew he regretted saying that during the video diaries, but it didn't make it any less funny.

"Anything from Nandos." Niall said with a grin, his blue eyes bright.

"Lucky Charms." Liam said with a straight face, managing not to look at Niall as a deep chuckle escaped Zayn's lips.

Well, here come all the Niam shippers.

I shook my head and looked up at the interviewer. "I know someone who makes wonderful pasta, so that would be perfect." I said happily, my mind flashing back to all of mine and Leigh's late night cooking sessions.

She raised her eyebrow, knowing who I was talking about, but not commenting.

"Alright, here's one from @HazzaBeMine. 'Whats your favorite song from either of the albums?'

Zayns face lit up, "Definitely I Shoulda Kissed You." He said, his eyes sparkling.

"She's Not Afraid." Louis spoke up, a mischievous look in his eye.

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