Chapter 19 *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

I clenched my hands tight against the steering wheel, I was just a few miles away from Leigh's. My nerves running high as I drove.

The sound of my phone caught my attention, using my free hand to check it, I grimaced. Throwing it into the back seat.



"Harry I can't just let you go. The press will have a hayday"

"Fuck the press!" I hissed, my eyes locked on Simon. How could he even hesitate to let me leave

"Harry, management-"

"No! Simon, this isn't even their call! THEY didn't sign me. YOU did. They work for YOU!" I growled, my fist colliding with the wall in the next second. My emotions becoming irrational as my anger erupted.

"Hazza..." Lou murmured, placing his hand on my shoulder, a useless effort in calming me.

I shrugged him off grabbing my keys again, and heading for the door.

"Harry!" Simon yelled, causing me to spin on my heels, our eyes colliding yet again as he looked at me protectively.

"If you walk out that door, your contract may just be out the window." He said slowly, sadness filling his eyes now. And I finally understood his worry. It wasn't just management he was worried about or the press, it was the band. He, like many, knew this relationship had changed me.

But they were fools to think that Leigh would make me less passionate about our music. About our lives.

If anything, she made my passions run hotter.

I looked at him now, my response flowing without a drop of hesitation as I walked out the door.

"So be it."

*End flashback*

My daze was cut short as I reached the house, my feet instantly hit the pavement as I ran to the open door.

My breath caught as I walked in, the vases of roses shattered, glass strewn across the floor.

"Leigh? Isa?" I called out, dropping my blazer to the floor as I made my way up the stairs, my heart pounding.

I shoved open Leigh's door. My heart shattering at the scene.

*Leigh's POV*

"Leigh, Leigh!"

"Isa get my phone!"

I groaned, at the sound of someones voice, its booms barely penetrating the dark waters surrounding me.

"Leigh. Baby, wake up."

"Leigh don't do this to me."

That voice.

His voice


"Harry!" I tried to call out, the sound caught in my chest, my blood running colder and slower as the darkness began to shield me. Shoving me deeper and deeper in its depths. The pain in my body unbearable.

"Leigh. I love you." The soft whisper pulled me from the depths, my eyes fluttering open, his green orbs filled with tears as he held me.

"Leigh, stay with me." He murmured. The sound of footsteps suddenly filling my ears. My eyes fluttering closed as the darkness pushed me down again. Its grip on me growing stronger and stronger by the second.

I could however, feel myself being lifted, my body now laying across something solid, my skin tingling as straps tightened across my abdomen.

What was happening?

I reached out, hoping to grasp onto something, anything.

I felt his hands, suddenly gripping mine tightly, his voice repeating the same words I had grown to hate so much.

But my heart clenched at them now, his voice filling my ears, the sound of pain ringing loudly.

"I'm sorry."

I squeezed his hands gently, my eyes still locked shut. Trying my hardest to tell him I was ok, that we would make it.

But my voice was nowhere to be found.

My heart suddenly slowing down as I grew colder.

My grip on his hands began to slip, much like my consciousness.

And before I knew it, the darkness had consumed me.

His voice leaving one last caress on my mind as he spoke.

"I love you."


Dun dun dun! O_O Please don't hate me loves /.\ I promise this Isn't the end lol

Happy Valentines Day!! I hope you all have fun with your valentines ;D

But if your a singleee pringlee like me - Go out and eat your heart away with chocolate ;3

I'm really in the groove atm! So there may be another update sometime today!

So Vote/Comment? What do you guys think?



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