Chapter Sixteen Part Two *Unedited*

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*Leigh's POV*

My mind was completely mute as we kissed, his lips moving softly against mine as his hands suddenly went to cradle my face, pulling it back, my lips suddenly feeling cold without the presence of his against them.

I mentally grimaced at the pout coming across my face, Harry's eyes bright as he chuckled, obviously realizing the my reluctance.

He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes doing all the talking as he looked at me. The beautiful green I had grown so accustomed to looking much darker than usual, filled with his emotions as he smiled.

"Harry?" I suddenly blurted, my mind coming back to my body now, it , much like my heart, running at 100 miles an hour.

"Hmm?" He murmured slowly placing my hair behind my ear as I looked up at him.

"Are we really on top of the mall?" I questioned, feeling my eyes grow wide at the realization of just how high up we were.

"Yes love." He chuckled, his eyes bright as he lead me to the quilt, pulling me down with him as he sat. His smile only growing wider as he watched me now, his face filled with pride.

I sighed, as I leaned back, my head falling in Harry's lap. Both of your eyes watching the sky.

We sat there in compatible silence for a while, something we tended to do alot, our eyes always doing the talking between us. But as we sat, my mind floated, it floated to everything he had just said. And everything I was dying to say myself. My words, still knotted deep in my chest.

But I knew, that if I was to ever get the words out of my heart.

I would need to ask one very simple question.

That, with one answer, could either shatter my very heart to pieces.

Or make it stronger than ever.

*Harry's POV*

And there I sat, staring up at the sky as my hands brushed lightly over her cheeks. The fire in my chest burning hotly as I breathed.

"Did you really mean what you said?" She asked, her whisper so soft, that had we not been so close, my ears would have not grasped the soft caress of her voice.

I looked down at her now, her grey eyes filled with pain as she looked at me, my heart clenching at the site.

I breathed deeply, trying to scramble the words I had planned out so carefully earlier, but they were now lost, stuck somewhere in my mind that was unreachable right now, my mind racing far too fast to focus.

"When I first saw you in the mall, I was infuriated by you. The fact that you lost Isabella had made me so angry, and I couldn't tell you why, until I looked at Isabella this morning, and realized how much I love her, how much of a daughter she has became to me, even in such a short time span. When you ran away from me that day in the park, I had never been more confused, and annoyed in my life. Not annoyed with you, but with myself, for not being able to get your very image out my mind, for being unable to extinguish the fire that burns in my chest at the sheer sound of your voice. And when you finally, finally let me into your life. I cant even put the emotions into words. The way you smile at Isa, the way you always push your hair behind your ear when your nervous, the way you smile every time I walk into your house. The way that after being through so much, your still so kind and loving."

I breathed now, finally breaking from my rant, my eyes glued to Leigh's as I now held her hands tightly.

"The way your skin feels against my skin. The way your heart beat sounds beating in time with mine." I whispered now, bringing her hands to my lips as I kissed them lightly.

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