Chapter Seven

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~*Harry's POV*~

I walked up to the house, Leigh in the lead, her dark hair damp from the cold moist air.

"Isabella!" She called as we entered the house. Quickly shutting the door behind me she began to run around the house. Letting me take in my surroundings.

It was a fairly large home, the mantel above the fireplace filled with pictures of Leigh, her sister, and who I presumed was their mother. But no pictures of a father?

I sat on the couch, unsure of what to do with myself as I took everything in.

"Harry!" Isa squealed as she entered the room she jumped still in her pajamas, her hair was twisted into a topknot, her usual yellow ribbon once again tied like a headband.

"Hey love" I chuckled at her exuberance as she tightly wrapped her arms around my neck, her face buried in my curls as usual.

"Isa come here." Leigh called suddenly entering the room, she wore slacks and a fitted blouse with black pumps, her tousled hair was slicked back in a pony tail.

"Isabella!" She stressed again shoving a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

Isa jumped from my lap reluctantly and walked to her sister.

I watched as Leigh knelt down and hugged her, whispering in her ear as she did so. Isa squeezed her tight giving her a slow nod only for her to spin around and climb right back onto my lap.

"Uhm, my cell number is on the fridge.." Leigh started her grey eyes on me now as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"Shell be safe and sound with me." I said simply rubbing small circles into the little girls back as she buried her head in my neck.

"I should be home by 5.. Harry please don't take her out and about..." Leigh said grabbing her purse and standing at the door now, her eyes filled with sheer terror as she looked at Isa and I. I felt my heart sink , she didn't trust me with her? What harm could I possibly do?

My mind instantly went to the press, realizing why she didn't want me to take Isa out i gave her a tight nod.

"Thanks.." She said simply giving me a small smile as she left, softly closing the door behind her. Leaving me and Isabella to spend the day together.

********** 8 Hours Later*********

*Leigh's POV*

I checked my watch, ten more minutes til I was out. My heart racing from nerves as I sat at my desk. I had snagged a receptionist Job at a local Law firm when I was 18, my boss being one of my mothers best friends in the past.

Quickly, I shut off my computer, grabbed my bag and jacket, and all but sprinted out of the office and to my car.

The drive home was harder. My hands fidgeting against the steering wheel impatiently as I wheeled through traffic.

I had no idea why I left her with Harry, maybe it was the way his eyes looked so full of life as he pleaded with me, so full of emotion as he held Isabella. I envied him, the love he naturally showed her was so warm. I wanted to be like that with her again.

But it was almost as if , I had forgotten.

I had finally reached the drive way the house lights breaking me from my daze.

I quickly jogged to the door, my heart speeding as I entered the House.

"Isabella! Harry?" I called, getting no response.

Quietly I shut the door behind me. Slipping my heals off as I went.

"In here Lee!" Harrys voice suddenly boomed through the house. My heart fluttering at the sound of his voice calling me.

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