Chapter Three

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~*Leigha's POV*~

It was 3 am. And I still couldnt sleep, sitting in front of the bay window, watching the summer storm - my journal in hand as it always was when I couldnt seem to fall asleep easily. A habit I had picked up from mom at a young age.

But today, I couldnt even seem to get my thoughts onto paper, let alone out of my mouth.

His eyes.

Those sharp green orbs that locked so easily with mine. When I had snatched Isabella, I could feel the anger radiating off of him. - In fact, not even anger, dissapointment. His eyes reminded me of my mothers when she was frustrated with me, the warm color of grass that was so inviting, yet shifted so quickly between emotions. My mother always said the eyes were the key to the soul, it was the very place where no lies exsisted, because no matter how smooth you are, or how talented of an actress you may be. Your eyes always reveal your true feelings, if the right person is looking into them.

Harry Styles, of all people for me to run into. Of the all eyes for me to see.

Angrily, I slammed my journal shut and started heading for my room; hoping to fall asleep finally, frustated with not only myself, but with him. Who was he to judge me? Just because I had misplaced my sister in the mall.

I had misplaced my sister.

The thought hit me again with a pang. A wave of guilt washing over me. I could of lost her. The very thought made me cringe, despite our age gap, my little sister was all I had left in the world.

And sometimes, I seemed to take that forgranted.

~*That Morning*~

"LeeLee! LeeLee!" The loud squeels pierced my ears as I began to wake. I groaned, Isabella was much more of a morning person than me. I rolled over wincing as the light hit my eyes, only to see her already dressed, Her pink sweats with matching hoodie and her favorite sneakers, she was bouncing up and down on my bed, her raven hair flying with her as she went.

"Isaaa" I whined, hoping for her to stop jumping, it was far to early for this.

She just grinned jumping even higher now, her smile wide.

"Can! We! Go! To! The! Park?!" She yelled in gasps between jumps, her stamina starting to fade. I groaned in response, I was exhausted, and the last thing I wanted to do was to get out of bed and hit the cold Manhattan air.

"Please LeeLee?" She whined finally sitting on the bed in front of me, giving me her largest puppy dog eyes.

Those eyes. I saw how excited she was to get out, I had been such a hermit lately, not wanting to do anything but study, sleep and shop on occasion, I had forgotten that she needed to do things as well, things that would make her happy at this age.

"Fine" I said pinching her cheeks before jumping from my bed and quickly changing into my sweats as well. I turned around to see Isa just sitting there watching me, a small smile playing on her lips. She reminded me so much of our mother.

Shaking the thought from my head I swiftly picked her up, grabbed my keys and headed to the car.

~*Harry's POV*~

I walked through the park by my flat in the early morning, not needing to be in the studio til late this after noon, I decided to burn off some steam.

I had gotten absolutely no sleep the past night, my mind running at a thousand miles and hour, and a pair of eyes that were stuck in my memory.

I had never even caught the girls name, she had simply come and gone, in a matter of minutes after finding her sister.

There was something about her eyes, that just, it was like they ignited something in me. Maybe it was fury, for her being so careless with her little sister, maybe it was worry, for why she looked so ashen and thin, and maybe it was a hint of desire, to find out what secrete that had her eyes seem as hard as stone.

"Harry!Harry!" The sudden familiar squeel broke me from my train of thought, causing me to spin around.

There she was.

Not only the little girl with the yellow ribbon.

But her sister as well.


Hey Loves!

I hit 369 on the Fanfic list! OMG! I know its not "that great" but it means the world to me! I just wanted to thank the few of you who have read and voted, because you guys are what keeps me writing :) So thank you so much! And I hope you continue to support this fic :3

I also hope you like the chapter


Again thank you all!

xx - Eli

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