Chapter 20 *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

I gripped my hair tightly, my head in my hands as I sat in the waiting room, Isa tight at my side throughout the whole process. Despite her minimum understand, she was the only thing keeping me calm.

Well, at least, visibly.

My mind on the other hand. Was a much, much, darker place.


I bursted through the door, my eyes instantly seeing Leigh, her once tanned body was now covered in nothing but deep purple bruises. She was curled around Isabella like a lioness. Her body barely moving, besides the rise and fall of her shoulders, her breathing far too slow.

*End Flash Back*


Isa jumped up at the sound, my body rising instantly as Lou walked in, Isa running straight into his arms the second he was in reach.

"How is she?" He asked cautiously his eyes watching me intently. Waiting for me to snap.

"She's asleep. Its not a Coma per-say. But her body is in shock, She should be awake once the pain meds wear off." I spat through clenched teeth. My anger boiling over.

"Who..what how....."

"Him!" Isa's voice cut Louis off, her usual child like voice now suddenly much stronger, booming off the walls.

I spun around Instantly, my eyes connecting with a pair that were all too familiar to me.

Except these eyes didn't belong to Leigh.

They belonged to her father.

"Lou. Take Isa out of here. Now." I hissed under my breath stepping back cautiously. My stance protective as I watched the monster in front of me.

He nodded, a confused look on his face. Bolting from the waiting room in the next instance.

"Hey!" Her father boomed, trying to reach out as if to grab the door and follow. My hand instantly gripping his jacket without thinking, spinning him to face me in the next instant.

"You did this." I hissed, stepping into his face now, my anger making me far beyond irrational.

He shook his head rapidly, the smell of alcohol radiating off of him.

"I need to take Isa-"

"Your'e not taking her anywhere." I yelled now, cutting him off as he slowly put himself against the wall. His stance protective as he watched me.

"I'm her father." He stated simply. His eyes cold as he glared at me. Much like Leigh's when I had first met her. The memory causing goose bumps up my spine.

"Pfft." I scoffed.

"Who taught her how to ride a bike hmm? Who walked her into her first day of school? Who sings her to sleep at night? Who is constantly making sure she is cared for?" I started, my adrenaline running high as I stepped into his space, my face just inches from his.

"Who cares for her when she's sick? Who taught her how to read? Who's bed does she climb into late at night, when her nightmares have been filled with monsters like you?" I spat. My hands now on the opposite sides of his head, pinning him to the wall. My voice now barely above a whisper, its tone as sharp as razors.

"Certainly not you. No. I. I am the one who cares for her. Leigh and I are the ones who make sure she is alright, we are the ones who sing to her each night. We are the ones, who protect her." I paused, attempting to gain composure as people stared at the scene. The fire in my chest burning to brightly for me to stop now.

"So don't you, ever, EVER, claim to be her father." I spat. Feeling a pair of hands on my shoulders pulling me back, my head spinning, only for me to realize it was Lou. A pair of cops behind him. Their faces grim as they suddenly handcuffed Leigh's father. His voice remained silent.

But his eyes, told a very different story as they glared at me. He, knew I was right. The realization that not only had he lost his wife, but his daughters as well.

I watched intently as they walked him out. My heart slowing now, my mind clearer as I picked up Isabella.

Lou nodded behind me, a knowing look in his eyes, causing me to look over my shoulder.

"Harry Styles?" The nurse standing before us asked.

I nodded, holding Isabella tight at my side.

"She's not awake, but she's stable now, you can go in if you'd like"

Withing the next second, Lou had swiftly taken Isa from my arms, my feet racing to her hospital room. My hands pushing the door open.

I stood in the doorway cautiously, my eyes taking her in before closing the door softly behind me.

Slowly, I walked to her bed, gasping her hand as I stood there. My eyes solemnly locked on the monitors recording her body's every tick.

I couldn't take this. Seeing her like this. Her body covered in cuts and bruises. I should have been there. I should have protected her. I thought to myself. My tears falling freely as I kissed her lips softly.

"Leigh..Baby.. I love you so much." The whisper barely floated from my lips, my voice caught somewhere deep in my chest

And its right then, that I finally realized how much I loved her, how much I needed her. How permanent her effect really was one me.

And I knew, that I was never giving fate a chance to change that again.

The sudden sound of a door opening caught me off guard, my head spinning to find the nurse standing against the wall, a small smile on her lips as she watched me.

"How much longer til she's awake?" I asked my mind running a thousand miles an hour, planning my next move.

"About and hour or so."

I instantly shot from the room, Lou and Isa standing outside the door, their faces looking shocked at my bewildered expression.

"I need you guy's to help me" I said hurriedly grabbing Isa from Lou and leading them towards the exit.

"With what?" Lou asked falling into step with me, a small smile forming on his lips.

"A surprise"

A surprise, that, if went accordingly, would change all of our lives forever.

A surprise, that would indefinitely make sure, that the fire in my chest. The passion in my bones.

Would never be taken from me again.




Anywho! I hope your guys's valentines day went well ;3

I also hope you guys like this chap! :D

Next chapter will again, be long, and will be up in the next few days since my phone might go down tomorrow :/

There will also be MULTIPLE surprises next chap. Including and Explanation of what the next fic will consist of :3

For those of you who read my sneak peak of Number One Suspect when it WAS posted-That fic won't be happening anytime soon, I will HOWEVER need help deciding something for the next fic :3 Which I will explain after the next update.

If all turns bad- and cant update til I my phone turned back on - I will have Ari make an Authors Note and let you guys know.

So what do you loves think?!


Take Care



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