All Eyes On Me

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Authors note: Bit of violence in this one, Just FYI.

I notice something as we walk through the bodies that filled the area.

Everyone is in black and white.. 

Even the girls.

And I'm in red.

I tug on Yoongis arm and he slows down a little, then I pull him to the side.

"I'm in red, Yoongi." I whine at him.

He scans my frame and then looks around the room.

He sighs. Knowing instantly what I'm talking about.

"Here." He pulls off his tux jacket and puts it over my shoulders. He folds up his shirt sleeves slightly and my breath escapes me. Wow.

"You like what you see?" He taps my chin with his finger and I bite my lip.

He looks so fucking good.

"Just stay close to me. Not that I don't think you will." He teased, then held me by my waist as we continued walking.

I felt so many eyes on me, it was unnerving.

I spot Minho talking with some guys, and Yoongi walks us over to him, which surprised me.

"I can leave her in your capable hands, can't I pretty boy?" Yoongi spoke seriously, and Minho nodded to him, pulling me under his arm.

"Where are you going?" I frown at him.

"Just trying to find out what's happening exactly." Yoongi sighed, then walked off into the crowd.

"Who's this then?" One of the guys Minho was talking to bends slightly to take a closer look.

"Taken, that's who she is." Minho then marks his territory, and the guy just raised his hands and laughed.

"Unusual to have relationships in your line of work.. Especially considering what it can entail.." He provoked.

"Hey, dude, stop being a dick. Just cos you're jealous." The other man moans, and Minho squeezes me closer to him.

"Who wouldn't be jealous. Knowing Red is taken." He then laughs, and Minho and I snap our heads at him.

"What did you just say?" Minho then questions with uncertainty.

"Uh.. Sorry. She's really attractive is all I meant-"

"-No, what did you call her? Red?" Minho then rushes, cutting him off.

"Ye..ah.. Red. She's wearing a red dress. That's the only reason.." He then awkwardly defends himself.

"Why would there be any other reason?" I frown at him.

"Uh.. There wouldn't be.. 

I.. I'm gonna go another drink.." He then nervously retreats into the crowd, pulling his friend with him, and I feel Minho move to chase him.

"No, please. Just stay with me." I urge Minho, and he sighs, but stays close to me.

"It's inevitable, Minho, so please just stay with me. There's still a lot of blank spaces, but being with you makes me feel safe. No matter what happens." I mumble to him, and he caresses the back of my neck.

He bends down to kiss my skin and I feel shivers from his touch.

"If people are watching, we may as well make it worth their while." He purrs into my ear, and I lean in to kiss him.

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