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After spending my afternoon with Seungmin, I already feel a weight off my shoulders.

I decide to take a little walk in the gardens of The Kids mansion. I really love nature and fresh air, so it felt like the best place to go to give my head a break.

The gardens were so fruitful with plants and trees, a luscious pond down the bottom and a well hidden hot tub that fit in with the nature down the right side.

I sat on a swinging chair and just felt the wind on my skin for a minute. I felt at peace finally.

"Sorry to interrupt, Y/N.. Can I join you?" A voice appears.

"Oh, hello Han. Sure." I smile. Not minding the company.

We both sit in each others company, not saying anything, but also not feeling the need to say anything. He radiated comfort, which is exactly what I felt I needed.

"Has anyone told you about what we do on Thursday nights?" Han broke the silence.

Is it Thursday already? Time has flown by here.

"What happens on Thursday nights?" I ask with curiosity.

"We all dress up a bit fancier, order nice food and get the drinks in. There's drinking games and it's just a really good time. Because Friday to Sunday are our operational hours, It's just a way to chill out before we get down to business."

"Oh that sounds amazing!" I flash a cheesy grin.

"We all meet in the living room at 5pm. We have a little talk from Chan before hand, then we let loose. Don't forget, 5pm." He winks at me.

"Its like 3:30pm already, should I start getting ready?" I ask concerned. I don't want to be causing trouble by being late.

"Yeah I would if I were you. Make sure you have a bathing suit as well as we all go in the hot tub at the end of the night."

I gasp and run off into the house.

As I get into my room I scramble to the box of clothes.

I desperately search for a bathing suit, but to my horror I find the teeniest triangle bikini top and micro thong. Are they fucking kidding me?

I freshen up in the shower and check the time.


34 minutes should be plenty of time to get dressed and do some makeup.

I pull out the lace dress, contemplating wearing it. Is it too much? Han did say they dress fancier.. is this too fancy?

Fuck it.

I slip on the dress. It barely covers my chest its so see-through. Ah shit.

I have the fantastic idea of wearing the bikini set underneath it, and surprisingly it offers a little bit more coverage than I thought.

I have the fantastic idea of wearing the bikini set underneath it, and surprisingly it offers a little bit more coverage than I thought

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