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I woke up alone. 

I have such a bad feeling about everything. Without sounding too dramatic, I just know I'm probably going to die.

"Y/N?" I heard a muffled voice from outside my room.

"Ali?" I called, and she opened the door.

"Here, this is yours for tonight." She smiled, handing me an outfit in a dress bag.

"Namjoons choice?" I quiz, reluctantly taking it off her hands.

"Uh.. No. I'm not sure who got you it. It's pretty though. I had a peak." She smiled at me, then spun around to leave the room.


I unzipped it and then dropped the bag on the floor in a panic.

It's a red dress.

The same shade as that.. other dress.

I took a breath, then looked down at the bundled fabric on the floor.

Pull yourself together, Y/N. 

I picked up the dress from out the bag and held it out in front of me. 

Okay. It's not that bad. 

The colour match just freaked me out a bit.

I hung up the dress and wrapped myself in a robe, then left to go downstairs.

"Morning." I smile at JK and Tae as they sat eating breakfast.

"Morning, Y/N." Jimin then smiled as he came up behind me.

"Tonight will be fun. I'm so excited." He wrapped his arms around me from behind, squeezing me tight.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." I giggle, and Jimin grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back, making me moan from the sudden rough treatment.

"We will be having lots of fun as well." He purred into my ear, causing tingles to run through me.

"You're gonna make a lot of people happy tonight, Y/N." He then smirked, and I twisted myself around and jabbed him in the stomach, knocking him away from me.

"Ohh, okay, too far?" He let out a winded chuckle as he caught his breath back.

"Don't mess with me Jimin. Yoongi has been training me." I narrow my eyes at him, then smiled at him that I was only kidding.

"I'll look out for you. Don't worry. Keep those moves locked away They're lethal." Jimin then flattened my hair that he messed up, giggling at his teasing.

"The only person I need to look out for is you by the looks of it. It's not like Kookie is going to try any funny business." I smirked, looking at JK for a reaction.

"Hey!" He whined, then thought about what he was whining about. 

"See! He's away with the fairies." I smiled, biting my lip while messing his hair.

"You need to lay off that wackie backie. You'll lose braincells." I pouted at him, cupping his jaw to look at me. His eyes were like golf balls.

"It just keeps me calm." JK defended, but I couldn't help but think there was a deeper reason behind it. Like he didn't want to be overly aware of the shitshow that was going on around him.

"There are more people coming later on, but we will have you all to ourselves for a bit before that." Jimin then added, and I frowned at him.

"More people?"

"Yeah, our pals. Don't worry. We trust these people." Jimin reassured.

But I don't trust you guys. 

"Will there be other girls?" I queried. 

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