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It was fairly quiet as we got in the car.

I picked up on some pretty alarming details, so no doubt they did as well.

But I could tell they intentionally kept shtum on the individual conversations they had with Woo.

"You seem to have some fanboys, Y/N.. which is nice to see." Hyunjin then tapped my shoulder from behind to tease me.

"Oh yeah.. They were absolutely petrified of Yoongi more like. That alone was enough for them to fear me as well." I laugh, and Yoongi grabbed my inner thigh and chuckled as well, pleased with this effect he has on people. 

I couldn't lie, this very dominating side of him really fucks me up. I can't quite tell if I am his possession, or his partner. At times I feel like the latter, but around other people.. even Minho.. I am his. I like it, but it is quite overwhelming sometimes.

I think he understands mine and Minho's close relationship enough, and there doesn't seem to be any stepping on toes, but it is a lingering worry that it might come to it. Unless Minho really is that chill about it. 

Might be something to revisit another time.

I notice we were nearing The Kids house, which meant goodbye for however long until I see them next, but I have seen them a lot more this week than I thought I would, so it's not all bad.

As we pulled in, Chan was waiting at the door.

I got out the car and gave Hyunjin a hug goodbye.

"Don't miss me too much." He pats my head and I kiss him on the cheek.

"Oh whatever will I do!" I taunt him, and he tickles my stomach to shush me.

I run away giggling, and land in Minhos arms, squeezing him tightly.

"I need to tell you something, or rather someone I saw earlier." I whispered in his ear, and he faced me to kiss me.

As he separated for a breath, he hummed for me to continue.

"The guy that called me 'Red'.. he was one of Woos men. Not sure if that means anything to you." I mouthed to him, going in to kiss him again, and he held my face in his hands.

"Mm.. It does." He then flicked his eyes open to stare back at me. He looked worried, again. Fuck.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" He then plants one more peck on my lips, and then pulls away from me.

"Bye Minho." I blew a kiss at him and he pretended to catch it and eat it.

I giggled back, then walked round to get back in the car.

Yoongi saluted to Chan as we drove off, and he put some music on to make up for the lost noise.

"I was surprised earlier." I then broke the silence between us, and Yoongi glanced at me to continue.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so friendly with Woo, for a start." 

"Oh.. Yeah we have history. I was basically his adopted son for a few years. I was gonna be on his team, but then my cousin died, so it went out the window." Yoongi exhaled, and I suddenly felt really awkward.

"Hey, it's okay. It was a long time ago. I'm a different person now." He placed his hand on my knee to relax me a bit.

"Everyone is terrified of you.. And you seem to enjoy it." I turned in my seat to face him, and he reaches his hand over to caress my cheek.

"After so long I have grown to like it. People have an unspoken respect for people they fear. As long as you don't think I'm a monster for it.. I don't care." He frowns.

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