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We tried the nearest club to us and fortunately they let Yoongi use their phone.

He paid via Bangtans account, knowing full well that Namjoon would get the notification, and we waited together for it to arrive.

20 minutes never felt so long.

As we pulled up, the adrenaline in me was too much to bear, I could feel my whole body tremble. Yoongi noticed and placed his hand on mine. It was so strange being comforted by someone who scared the living shit out of me, but this must be the Yoongi that everyone spoke about, as if he had passed away and was replaced by the Yoongi that I came to know. 

We walk up towards the front door, and Yoongi follows behind me. We enter through the hall way and I began to walk into the living room. I noticed Yoongi hung back a little, but I guessed that was for obvious reasons.

As I walked into the room, everyone was there, and they all turned to see me. It was like they had seen a ghost. Chan, who was stood in the middle looked absolutely distraught.

"How?.." He uttered, slowly approaching me, before taking my hands. I tried to speak but no sound came out, but Chan had read my lips as I mouthed 'Yoongi'. 

His eyes widened at the realisation, and in perfect timing, Yoongi barged into the room. Chans eyes shifted onto him and before he could register what was happening, Yoongi took Chans t-shirt in a scruff and pushed him backwards. None of the others knew what to do.

Yoongi raised his fist and screamed in Chans face. "How could you let them take her?! Do you not realise what they did to her? AND what they would have done if I wasn't already there to fucking stop it?!"


No words left Chans mouth. Yoongi was right. Everyone was so sure that we wouldn't be vulnerable, but in reality it was textbook. The perfect opportunity for them to attack. 

We all stood there in silence. Yoongis eyes pierced into Chans. Chan was like a deer in the headlights. He just didn't know what to say.

Yoongi released his grip of Chans shirt and stood back, standing to the side of me. Staring at Chan. His features softened and all the anger had dissipated.

 His features softened and all the anger had dissipated

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I cleared my throat.

"So.. What's the plan, then?" I break the silence. Someone had to.

Everyone looked at me. I just realised I was stood with Yoongis hoody on, and no one actually knew what happened.

"I'm okay. If you're wondering. Yes, I was kidnapped. I was also almost.." My voice cracked.

"It's okay. Yoongi was there. He got us out. But they won't stop.. We need to take those cunts down." I finished more confident than I started.

"Why were you there, Yoongi?.." The first words that came out of Chans mouth, which I had hoped would be a thank you.. but no. 

"They got me a couple of days ago and kept me locked in their fucking basement. I saw it all. I reacted like anyone would in that situation." 

Yoongi placed his hand on my shoulder. His touch sent chills throughout my body. I couldn't get used to this Yoongi. 

Chan stepped forward. "Thank you." Left his lips, before abruptly reaching to Yoongi for a hug.

Yoongis eyes widened at the sudden act of gratitude. Until a couple of days ago, Yoongi and Chan were on really bad terms. Something in Yoongi had shifted, and he wasn't angry anymore. After a slight delay, Yoongi then slowly wrapped his arms round Chan to accept the embrace. He lightly patted his back and then pulled away. 

"Have you seen Namjoon?" Yoongi fretted. "We need to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Yes, Namjoon and the rest of Bangtan are coming tomorrow. We have a spare room that you can stay in tonight, and I'll have some clothes for you as well. I suggest we all get some rest now though. We have a big day tomorrow." Chan instructed to Yoongi and the rest of The Kids.

He glanced at me and pulled me in for a warm embrace. "I'm so sorry." He muffled into my neck. I pulled away from him and placed my hand on his cheek. I stroked my thumb lightly on his skin and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm tired. Can I go to bed?" I mumble.

"Oh of course, you must be exhausted." 

Chan lightly squeezes my arm.

I turn to face the rest of The Kids, and they all gave me worried looks. Minho stood the closest to me, so I reached into a hug, and he accepted and squeezed me tight. "Are you sure you're okay?" He worries.

"Yes, try not to worry. I'm fine" I whisper.

Changbin and Hyunjin each take one of my hands. "We are so glad you're okay."

Jeongin, Felix and Seungmin all crowd over to me in a group hug. 

"Thank you for caring about me everyone. I'll see you all in the morning, okay?" I wiggled out from their grip.

"Goodnight, Noona. We will get them for what they did to you." Jeongin adds before releasing me from his vice like grip. 

I pinched his cheek. "We will."

I stepped back and began to walk to the room, waving to the others as I left.

Yoongi followed me along the hallway to the spare room Chan mentioned. I stopped outside my door and Yoongi kept walking and opened the neighbouring rooms door. He glanced over to me and smiled, before entering the room.

I took a breath and entered my room.

I was a lot warmer than normal, so I slipped off the hoody and undies and climbed in naked. Letting the quilt swallow me. I started burning up so I folded the quilt on itself and grabbed a thinner blanket to wrap over me. 

I laid there and closed my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get to sleep. Vivid accounts of this evening just replayed in my head.

I glanced over to the clock and it read 2:45.

I pulled myself out of bed and slipped on Yoongis hoody. I left the room for a glass of water, in the hope that would somehow make me sleepy.

"Struggling to sleep as well?" A voice croaked.

I twisted round to where the voice came from and I see Yoongi sat at the breakfast bar. For a second I was scared, forgetting that he's a changed man now, but that doesn't take away what he did to me prior to last night. I wasn't going to just forget it.

"Yeah, I don't even feel slightly sleepy." I awkwardly mumbled.

Yoongi got up from his chair, after noticing how I was acting, and slowly approached me. My body automatically flinched and backed away into the unit. My heart beating out of my chest.

"..Y/N.. I know I can't take back what I did to you, but please, take my word for it. I won't hurt you again." He whispered, taking my hand and holding it to his chest.

I could feel his heart beating. 

He was showing me vulnerability, and it instantly calmed me down. I felt the thuds pound through his chest and I looked into his eyes. I didn't even notice he was no longer holding my hand up until he raised his hands and cupped my cheeks lightly.

My head hated him. He hurt me.. Multiple times, kidnapped me, assaulted me, left me with broken ribs and nightmares.. 

But all my heart wanted to do was kiss him.

I glanced down to his lips.

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