RC6/Comet: 19 - Introducing The Universal Century Gundam Franchise To The World

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Haruki Tsukihime Britanial POV

Right now I am watching Mobile Suit Gundam, Unicorn Episode 5 with my GP Base in my school since it was lunchtime and this is the time I like to watch this, the reason its the Progationisis, Banagher Links man he is a kind of guy who is going to become the next White Devil Pilot but his not a Gundam Meister but now I am almost done since Maria is out of the Banshee Gundam and they are getting to the Laplace Location with the La+ Program now I want to know what is the Laplace's Box but I really like this part, where Banagher lifts the Garencieres with the help of the NT-D system and I felt a tap to look at my side are my classmates

Random Male:Wow is that a new anime Haru?

Random Male2:When did it released and we didn't seen the trailer?

Haruki: Just got this from my dad and he made it.

Random Male2: Wow, and it make sence since you are the son of the Knight of the Round and he did help with the script and personally help out in production for the Dawn of the Brave Celestials.

Haruki: Come on guys I am not that special and besides that is just a name and title.

I mean really its just a title and a name. Nothing special beside dad is a big softy when he is with all of us now I see some male talking with Yui and Rei.

Random Male: Still from the looks of this anime its inspired from the Gundams and all.

Random Male2: But can we borrow that Haruki?

Haruki: Well....I don't know this is after the first one since there is a lot of episodes and series not to mention OVAs and Specials to watch since they are connected with each other.

I mean its really a lot from the 0079 to the UC Unicorn Movie as well as the Specials and OVAs now I wonder if I can be transported on the UC-vers.

Random Male:Heh we can watch the whole episodes or season since next week is summer time.

Haruki: I can send you the files via link but don't share it with anyone else since it will only be use by you

Random Male2: Its ok dude beside I have a dream to become a Mobile Suit Pilot.

Haruki: Alright but word of advice if your going to watch it you should start with the 'Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Advent of the Red Comet' before Mobile Suit Gundam: 0079.

Random Male: Wait that name is?

Haruki: Yes you could say there is an Anime Character that is a version of Char Aznable that my Dad made.

Random Made2: I am surprised that your Dad wasn't attack by Char for using his name.

Haruki: Of course he isn't my Dad and Char are one person after all but in the Gundam Anime not so much. Well I mean Char is famous after all and since a movie was made about him and the Brave Celestials but Dad wouldn't do anything to disrespect the mask man who save our world from the enemy.

Random Male: I guess you're right I mean Char and your dad are expert and great Pilots.

Random Male 2:Yeah and you did have a drive to become almost like Char.

Random Male:Please stop but anywho I think its almost time come one Haruki we have Math class on the afternoon

Now I close up my GP Base after giving my two friends the link and permission for them to use it and place it in my pocket and go to my classroom since Yui and Rei are on the same class each other and I am going to Class A.

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