Comet 19 - Surprise Inheritance

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Jude Tsukihime POV

Right now we are near the location of VEDA luckily Alejandro and Ribbons haven't had plans yet to go, Jill is commanding the Ikaruga while our MS Mechanics are starting to check up with the GN-Arms and Our Gundams as well as its additional equipment but right now I am in a call with Naze Turbine and his group as I informed him about this and I was wearing clothes, A pilot jacket, a red t-shirt and cargo pants while wearing a running shoes .

Naze:...... So you need me to be there as fast as possible so I can escort the mothership containing VEDA to Teiwaz?

Jude: That's what I just said, Naze I need you to escort the mothership containing VEDA and bring it to Teiwaz.

Before Naze continue someone just contact me and I took out my GP base and it was Jill

Jill: Jude we are at Lagrange 2.

Jill ended the call and I return to talk with Naze.

Jude:So when are you guys to arrive and I am sending you the location.

Naze: I got it and judging on this I say about a few minutes or more.

Jude: I see but just make sure your are here as fast as possible and not suspicious.

As I end the called I start to get out of my room as I was headed to the Bridge but I Strea was going somewhere and if I have to guess she is going back to the chamber of JARVIS but I called out to her.

Jude: Yo Strea are you going back to JARVIS?

Strea: Yep plus I think we need JARVIS to deactivate the Camo mode of the Celestial Being Mothership

Jude: So you think so too huh?

Strea: Yeah plus I want to do what you did to the other girls after this mission

Shit you just have to remind me about that after mission plus what are your plans for this Strea because I have a deal with the cook herself.

Jude: Yeah I don't think my room is good. How about your room? We can just hang out there?

Strea:Nope I want stay with you, on your room

I just admitted my loss of her puppy eyes of hers since I can't still beat it

Jude: Fine do as you wish.

With that I am heading towards the bridge right now and I stop to the elevator to see Jane was heading there to

Jude: Oh Jane what's brings you here

Jane:Well I still a job to do on the bridge plus the ride will take a half an hour to get there right?

Ok bite me what are you planning right now Jane by the looks of you, you have a plan

Jude:Yeahhh plus I was heading there to

Jane:Good now lets get in

I saw Jane call up the elevator and I was about to use my GP Base but Jane grabs my head and kiss me but not just any kiss but a French kiss As I hear the elevator ding I was push in as she stop kissing me and looking what floor the elevator since she press the Bridge floor and when it goes two floors before the Bridge she press the stop bottom as she restarts to French kiss as she separate our lips

Jane:You're the reason that I was starting to get lewd abit so you better take responsibility for this mister,

Jude:Ok I'll take responsibility so you want to do it here

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