RE/Comet 12 - The Beginning Of The Second Final Battle (PART 1)

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3rd POV

Now we can see a fleet of ships like a Baikal-class, Virginia-class, and some Ural-class; they are the ESF Coup, Katharon. At the flagship of Sergei named Soma he is on the Captain's chair as he was wearing a HRL spacesuit while beside him was Pang Hercury and inside of the flagship are HRL naval officers

Sergei: So this is it huh the last mission for us and the Brave Celestials?

Hercury:Yes it is, when this is over I think I can just train the other officers how about you Sergei.

Sergei: Well for me I think to try to talk with Andrei and as well to adopted Marie and Guren..

Hercury: That's a good Idea Sergei.

HRL: Sir we have contact from a Baikal ship and by the looks of it, its under of A-Laws and the name of the flagship is the Mannequin.

Sergei: Ship numbers?

HRL: Just one Sir.

Hercury: Contact that A-Law ship.

With that they work on to contact the ship and few seconds later it shows the face of Kati Mannequin while on the Mannequin flagship Kati was thinking about this and why did Yuuji ordered her on this while Patrick Colasour was beside her.

Kati: I know Yuuji just said is right but why?


On Kati flagship she was starting to think about the current A-Law and the ESF since they were ruthless since Guren was worrying about Mary since she was transferred to the Damocles with a new Mobile Armor and now she is somewhere on the ship as she is talking with Hei Li Shensun.

Kati: So what do you want?

Hei: Tell me what do you think about the current world right now and yes you can speak your mind freely?

Kati: I think we are hurting the civilians from left and right.

Hei: Good eye, But I want you and the others join the other side.

Kati: Excuse me?

Hei: Sorry let me rephrase that, Ribbons want you and those that are dissatisfied with A-Laws to join the ESF Coup and Katharon a good woman like you and good people don't belong on this side.

Kati: What about you?

Hei: Me? I'll stay on Ribbons and A-Laws's side until my final fight to the death with Char.

Now Hei left the room as he is going back to the Damocles and the next one who enter was Patrick Colasour.

Patrick: Colonel.

Flashback End

Kati: Hello Mr. Sergei and Hercury.

Hercury: Kati Mannequin what are you doing.

Kati: As of now I am changing sides and wish to join you.

Sergei: I see, but can I ask you this, is Guren Yeger on your ship

Kati: Yes he is and now he is sad since her transfer.

Hercury: Can you move your ship on our side and plus we are happy that you join us, The Iron Lady.

Kati: Thank you Hercury and I will send you the location of the new space station.

With that the call end and the Mannequin is moving beside the fleet, on the Katharon ship we can see Klaus Grad since Shirin is staying besides of Marina and wants to lead the fleet as he seen the Mannequin he was glad that some A-Laws decided to join them.

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