Revealed Chronicle one

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Mobile Suit Revealed Chronicle, Year one

<Meeting with McMurdo Barriston>

The operation to eliminate the Gundams, called "Fallen Angels" as the result, Alejandro Corner died in the hands of the leader of Brave Vesperia, Jude Tsukihime aka Char Aznable as for the side of the UN Forces had to suffered a long list of dead pilots and both Brave Vesperia and Celestial Being are still alive and victorious but they pull back deep to space as of now they are on the Teiwaz Colony own by the Barriston Family.

3rd POV

Right now both ships are already docked on the Colony and they start to get off the ship as the members of Teiwaz were checking up on the ships while Naze is coming towards the two organizations and Sumeragi and Jude who was wearing his complete Char Aznable Uniform for this world walk towards Naze as the two guys just do a bro hug.

Naze: Yo bro you had Amida start to worry about your life but I told her not to worry but for now where's the old man Aeolia Schenberg?

Jude: Just resting right now in his personal quarters since I ding up the Exia Dark Matter as for Marie and Allelujah are somewhere on my ship enjoying a date.

Naze: I see.

Naze looks at Sumeragi from top to bottom as Jude pokes both of Naze's eyes with his fingers.

Naze: AHHH!!!! MY EYES!!

Jude: Dude don't be eyeing Sumeragi since you already have enough girls on your side?

Naze: Ok I won't plus someone message me to get that 'Gundam' and it's here on my ship.

Naze just rubs his eye since it was painful and Amida was coming on the side of Naze as she looked at Jude and Sumeragi.

Sumeragi: Is he ok ms.?

Amida: Yep his ok and my name is Amida Arca one of Naze's wifes.

Sumeragi: So Jude's not the only one and what does he mean about another Gundam?

Amida: First yes he is not the only one, Just the both of them and the second we got something called the Strike Gundam.

Jude: So you do know who send it?

Naze: I don't know plus that Gundam has no GN Drive.

Jude was thinking about this since that Gundam was from the Cosmic Era but instead of using a GN Drive it uses a Ultrapact Energy Battery but this could be the same person who delivered Aila to me.

Jude: I see we will check it out later for now I think McMurdo Barriston wants to meet the Meisters and Sumeragi as well as Aeolia Schenberg.

Naze recovers from the eye attack as he looks at the Celestial Being.

Naze: As my bro said, let's go and meet McMurdo Barriston.

Sumeragi calls up all the Gundam Meisters and mine with Aeolia Schenberg as well to meet up with McMurdo Barriston and Naze leads us to McMurdo home and along the way Sumeragi starts to question me.

Sumeragi: So what was that all about Jude?

Jude: What?

Sumeragi: You and Naze as well to mention that one of your supporters is McMurdo Barriston since I know some rumors that he owned a whole Colony back in the Era of Aeolia Schenberg.

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