RC6/Comet: 08

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RC6/Comet: 08 - What The World and Celestial Being's Main Team Think Of Char Aznable & His Brave Vesperia Season 01 & 02

3rd POV

On the HQ for SolBraves we can see Billy looking up and as well checking the Brave Mobile Suits that was develop by Jude Tsukihime via schematics for it but on the Center is the unfinished Samurai based Mobile Suit with some Elements of a Brave and the Susanowo Mobile Suit, since Ralph Eifman last year at age of 80 and all but right now he is resting the thinking about the past few years back.

Billy: Char Aznable, leader of the Brave Vesperia but now called the Brave Celestials back then Graham knows who Jude Tsukihime is, I bet Char and Jude are the same person then again looking at the Duel before.

Looking down Billy can see the Braves Standard, since those Braves are Standard Test type are going inside of the hanger while leading them is the Blue Brave, GNX-903VW Brave Commander Test Type, as they park it up on where they are position and after that all of them got out but Billy is looking at Major Graham Aker along with Captain Daryl Dodge, Vice Commander of the SolBraves.

Graham: Good work SolBraves now you get some rest, Daryl you as well.

Drayl: Roger that, sir.

The team goes out of the Hanger while Graham is going up to meet up with Billy while the said person just goes back to his office and work out on something.

Now Billy is working on the data he got from the Brave Pilots and as well the weapon testing since both AEU and Union has plans to make the Brave for Standard Ops pilots like the SolBraves due to its performances which they were grateful for Jude giving this kind of Mobile Suit, now the door was open and he looks up to see Graham Aker.

Billy: Yo, Graham what is it?

Graham: Tell me, did you know?

Billy: Know what?

Graham: About Char's real name.

Billy: Well I just did know it from few days ago since most of the moves Jude made on either the Lancelot or the Mahoroba match those of Char Aznable's.

Graham: Why didn't you tell anyone?

Billy: Since it was a deductions I have no real evidence to back it up besides Jude wearing a variant of his Char Aznable Uniform at his wedding since the groom can wear any formal attire they are happy and confident in it as well as being designed by one of his wives but most important I am grateful he and his team save Prof. Eifman against the Gundam Thrones that time.

Graham: True but why keep it in.

Billy: Heh I don't know but they saved him and we owe them one back then.

Graham goes to a chair and takes a seat as he looks at the window of the clear blue skies since he grew up as an orphan who had a fascination for flying through the skies. Following his passion, he enlisted in the Union Army to become a pilot and in the year of 2311 AD that he was a license holder back then and now he is a Commander of the SolBraves.

Billy: So tell me Graham what do you think about them, Celestial Being and mostly on the Brave Vesperia?

Graham: Hmmm... The one who really got my attention are the Brave Vesperia, since Celestial Being gave me a good fight but mostly I like is Jude Tsukhhime's ways on piloting and developing a Mobile Suit but his Organization they are fast and they hit hard on the targets and all.

Billy: Not going to deny that fact since Char Aznable got most of the world's attention on him during and after his broadcast than Aeolia Schenberg did in his video proclamation that double when word got out he was participating in those arm interventions.

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