Revealed Chronicle Four

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Mobile Suit Revealed Chronicle, Year Four

A few Months and Jude's Birthday

After the testing the new GN Phase Shift Armor from the Gundam Throne Trinity they applied it to all the Gundam as well made already all the Single Drives Gundam and two of the Twin Drive Gundams, The Girls has a plan forming up since they requested the boys to lead Jude away from Home.

3rd POV

4 years pass since Celestial Being and Brave Vesperia begin their Armed Intervention towards all acts of war that happen around planet Earth and after the "War with the Brave Celestials" Brave Vesperia and Celestial Being emerges victorious against the newly created UN Forces decided to go into the shadows and need to do what they need to do to be stronger than they were before the next mission.

The year is now 2312 A.D. the independent countries of Earth begun to unify and the Earth Sphere Federation Government was established. As the unity of the blocs began, and the barriers between them collapsed resulting in Humanity welcomed a new era but not in the way that both organizations hope for but in someone else's distorted image instead.

Because the Federation government have rashly formed the Autonomous, Peace-Keeping Force, A-Laws to oppress the Anti-ESF organization their mission is to further unify nations, but their ideals and tactics are a facade of oppression, causing destruction to any nation or group that doesn't submit to the ESF. They slaughter innocents in large numbers without warning, place anyone suspected of being affiliated with resistance cells in prison or on high gravity blocks for slave labor. Also, they misuse GN Particles to destroy the economy of the Middle East, but the disadvantage of this is that they can't locate bases of anti-governmental groups, such as Katharon.

All the while the general public are unaware of these thanks to the self proclaim Innovators VEDA Unit controlling all information from the media.

Of course Brave Vesperia and Celestial Being were aware of it by getting into their systems with the help of JARVIS & VEDA but decided to hold back for now to develop what needed to be developed.

For the three supporters of Brave Vesperia: Kyoto House continues to help Katharon but absolutely making sure that their connection can never be founded by A-Laws and there was no suspecting them at all since Japan is part of the ESF, The Kingdom Of Britannia also being a part of the ESF didn't both in suspecting them at all either, and Teiwaz on the other hand due to Teiwaz's very large influence, ESF was incapable of meddling with their business and the support they gave back during the aftermath of the Solar Wars and contributions they made in the pass that benefited them in a way but Teiwaz didn't support Katharon on Jude's orders. But that doesn't stop Jude from making sure the enemies don't get wind of their connection to Brave Vesperia and Celestial Being with JARVIS & VEDA helping out in making sure that never happens there is always a possibility but Jude and the others are ready for it.

Thanks to Wang Liu Mei that provided other resources needed made Ribbons and his group believe that Brave Vesperia and Celestial Being are using the latter's resource satellite base instead of Teiwaz according to Wang's report though Jude did give her the Trinity Mothership with Nena's permission as her personal space transport including a bracelet similar to Nena not only blocks external quantum brainwaves of the Innovades but also fools the Innovades thinking it was really the wearer's thoughts they are reading without looking anything suspicious thanks to that we were able to confirm Ribbons Almark and his self proclaim Innovators are behind this and Wang can use to communicate with Jude and the others but just in case someone tries to get into its systems will automatically be lock by the user's unique biomerics and if someone other than the selected wearer wears it even a clone of them it will be lock or self destruct without harming the other wearer.

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