RC6/Comet: 10 -

65 1 0

The Expected Arrival Of the Guardian Avalon Blade & His Celestial Being and the Canon Black Knights of Code Geass 

3rd POV

At the large meeting room at the central tower of Brave Artemis that with three tables in a circular position with several chairs on each side position in a way to represent three sides one for the Brave Celestials the other two represent the two upcoming reiforncements all members of Brave Celestials main team on their side are now present in their complete personal uniforms that includes Jude's second team being the Knight of Zero with the Avalon scouting around Brave Artemis for unusual signs with Leila in command and Jude's Innovade Clone on standby due to today being the day the 'reinforcements' that Saber & Kuro brought here from another world will arrive.

Jude now looking at right side to see Liu Mei, Nunnally with Haruki sitting beside with, Kaguya with Rei, Euphemia Guinevere & Marrybell on the rebirth mother's lap, Yui is is sitting on Asuna's right side and Yuki, with Emilio with Sumeragi.

Jude: Can I ask again why you five are here with the kids as well?

Nunnally: Well we are also curious about these reinforcements why not meet them now than later.

Euphemia: Nunna's right Hun it's better to meet them now.

Liu Mei: As for me am simply wanted to see these reinforcements.

Kaguya: The four of us from Wang Family, the House of Kyoto and the Kingdom of Britannia it also concerns us as well since we are affiliated with the Brave Celestials.

Jude: Fine its reasonable what about you Yuki and the kids since this is a serious meeting.

Yuki: Well I also want to know these people as well.

Haruki: Come on Dad were going to meet them anyways why not do it now.

Rei: Yeah Haruki-nii-chan is right Dad.

Yui: Besides, Uncle Saber and Kuro wouldn;t have brought anyone here if they didn't trust them.

Marrybell: We didn't want to be left in the house even though Haros and Manjuus are great company.

Guinevere: I second that Dad.

Emilio who is being carried by Sumeragi just nodded with them as Jude just sighed in defeat nods in agreement for them to attend this meeting as well and announces to the teams.

Jude: Fine you guys can also attend this meeting but save unnecessary questions after the meeting.

Yuki and the kids nodded in agreement then announces to the rest of the team here.

Jude: Well team according to Saber & Kuro they message us that today is the day the so-called 'reinforcements' are arriving I have Leila in command of the Avalon scouting around Brave Artemis for any of the two reinforcements coming.

Tieria: But Jude do you know who will come first?

Jude: To be honest my mind is concluding the second one being the small group coming first.

Fon: Still how can this small group help us?

Jude: That's what they are coming here and for us to find out.

Fon nodded then Jude turned to Allelujah and Marie who was called over for a little while back alongside Lichtendahl and Christina due to today meeting the 'reinforcements' that Saber And Kuro said will come today then will teleport back to what they were doing.

Ash Like Snow (Self-insert X Gundam 00)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora