RC6/Comet: 16

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Meanwhile Back on Canon-Code Geass: Jude Tsukihime the Crimson Moon Hero

3rd POV

Somewhere on EU we can see a blond woman in a drawing room reading something as she hears a drink was placed on her table and she puts down to see a man who is wearing a EU Uniform with a tablet on hand having green eyes and Crimson hair.

This is Jude Tsukihime, aka the Crimson Emperor of the EU, and he is a Japanese, since he has a lot of features like when he was a pilot being ace level and it didn't stop him as he really help out a lot of troops to push back Euro-Britannia back with low casualties of Men and Knightmare and now a General of the EU's 5th army of Knighmares and more since he was the pride of the United Republic of Europia but there was some rumors that he was the fiance of both Leila Malcal and Margaret Walpole and boy it was true and as well reclaimed the lost lands of EU as well did some attacks on Aera 24 aka Spain.

This is Jude Tsukihime, aka the Crimson Emperor of the EU, and he is a Japanese, since he has a lot of features like when he was a pilot being ace level and it didn't stop him as he really help out a lot of troops to push back Euro-Britannia back ...

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Jude: Penny of your thoughts miss Macal~?

Leila: Oh come on now Jude you know you are higher rank than me since you are EU's pride and all that.

Jude: True and I can't even believe that EU called me that as well a new Alias, Steel Commander.

Lelia: And as well thanks for helping out me and the wZERO.

Jude: Its ok since I know Anou did make them go attack all in the front and I say its a waste.

Lelia: Yeah and I can't even think that the people want you to become president and all.

Jude: But Miss Walpole is capable of that being but I am much more of a field commander and a Knightamre Pilot/R&D than a president.

Lelia: Speaking of that, how is she?

Jude: Good but she really wants me to become a president.

Lelia just laughed at him since they knew each other way back then and Jude was the student of General Gene Smilas even now since he really worked hard and now he is at the age of 18.

Lelia: I mean you are capable of holding that Jude.

Jude:I know but—

Someone called Jude on his phone and grabs it and answer while Leila knows that since he will be placed once more on the frontlines ever since the Chinese Federation Empress was kidnapped by the Black Knights even on the front his opponent was the Knight of Four, Nine and Twelve with the addition Seventh with the Glinda Knight he was able to beat and captured excluding the Seventh with the Prototype Knightmare Frame which coincidentally was being transported to the E.U for testing but they manage to steal it and completed.  


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