RE/Comet 01 - The Brave Celestial's Second Advent

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3rd POV

In space where we can see orbital elevator and men who are working there and on the center its Earth but somewhere on the rocks we can see two kinds of Mobile suits and one red Moible suit the blue mobile suit is an MSJ-06II-E Tieren Space Type and the other is AEU-09OP AEU Enact Orbit Package, the red one is an GNX-704T Ahead as the two Tieren and Enact is shooting the Ahead and the Ahead shoots back as the three of them moves back as well to shoot back while on the back we can see two GNX-609T GN-XIII are moving in to the target area and they grab something behind them and it a Time Bomb meanwhile at the Ahead he was shooing them but not killing them since his job was to keep them away from the target area as he use the camera to see the GN-XIII to see they are signaling him with light and he smiled as he goes seriaols as he draw his Beam Saber cuts a Tieren next he moves around at full speed as he shot the Enact after that he killed the last Tieren and the target area blows up as the two GN-XIII and the ahead fulls back.

On Earth at an disclosed location we can see a man, sitting down on a some equipment and computers but his has Brown hair and Blue eyes, this person is Klaus Grad He is a member of the Katharon, a rebel group which opposes the Earth Sphere Federation and its elite squad A-Laws and its leader as he looks at his left to see Shirin Bakhtiar her hair is long and she is a Katharon Coordinator.

Klaus: Resolus was attacked by Mobile Suits.

And He looks back at the computer and keeps on talking.

Klaus: Damned Federation.... attacking without any warning like that.

Shirin: I Heard there were new model Mobile Suits mixed in with the enemy forces, So I'm guessing.

As Shirin stops there as they both know who was with them.

Shirin: Klaus, these guys are serious. I think we'd better postpone the rescue operation at Proud.

Klaus: No, We should push for an earlier start plus I got some message from the House of Kyoto that they will send help.

Shirin: Did they told us who?

Klaus: No but they said in the message they send: "Look out for the Crimson Comet alongside the Celestial Stars" and I am sure you know who they are talking about right?

Shirn started to smile as she knew who did Klaus mentioned.

Shirin: Yes, its the Crimson Comet, Char Aznable and his Brave Meisters alongside Celestial Being, I'll contact the rescue team and tell them the operation's been rescheduled and as well tell them about reinforcements from the House of Kyoto.

Meanwhile on space we can see a ship that is heading to Proud and it holding the colors of EFS this ship is the ESF-SC01 Baikal-class

On the doors of the bridge we can see it start to open and one person enters a blond fat man with blue eyes this is the captain of the same ship, Arthur Goodman as he moves to the char to sit down

EFS CIC: Distance: 2300 to Proud.

EFS Member: Maintain GN particle dispersal at normal levels.

Arthur: Lieutenant Colonel Zhejiang, I understand we've found the Katharon vessel.

Lee: Yes sir. A recon unit detected it. We are currently tracing its course.

As a holographic was appeared infornt of Arthur he looks at it. 


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