RE/Comet 10 - Hostage Rescue & Duel At Lagrange 5 Eclipse Colony

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3rd POV

On space several hours and miles out from Lagrange 5 to the abandon Eclipse Colony we can see a green circular portal then some things came out of it first was a small transport ship but more pacific its a black colored GNW-003/SH Liang inside of that Liang is the Gundam Throne Trinity piloted by Nena, the second and third thing to come out of the green portal was Gundam Rafael piloted by Strea and Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements MK.II piloted Ami by catching up to Nena's Liang with Ryou inside of the ship with medical supplies alongside several Haros with and without Karels and Manjuus wearing their space suit for repairs, and lastly the 00 Raiser piloted Jude and Aila when their Gundam came out the portal disperses by two circles of green GN Particles interlock expanding until it separates then disappeared as Jude with Aila take the lead of the two Gundams and ship as his team contacts Jude.

Ami: So this is the place?

Jude: Yeah just like the coordinates they send.

Nena: You know how Ghost is and you know this is a trap right?

Jude: Yeah I know but I pretty much don't care.

Aila: What now Jude?

Jude: On the message Ghost wants me a duel with Graham as we fight all out and about the hostage thing. I know Graham's current persona will not do that so I guess Ghost this time will be getting a front row seat at the duel since he orchestrated this entire thing.

Strea: So after Ghost will leave her, all of us will get Wang and Hong as the duel will start.

Jude: Yeah Ryou once the Trinity Mothership is out of the way Treat Hong of his injuries.

Ryou: Understood Jude.

Inside of the 00 Gundam's cockpit we can see Jude wearing a fake mask to hide his real face even with that fake mask an improved version to make people truly believe it was really his face as his expression right now was seriously piss off and serious right now.

Jude: Damn you Ghost why?

As for why Jude and a few of his team was going to Lagrange 5 Eclipse Colony well lets go back a few hours ago.

Earlier Few Hours Ago

As the Brave Celestials were done meeting up near on what remains of the second Memento Mori Jude and Aila transferred back at Ikaruga and the same as Team Celestial Being and now they will regroup at Lagrange three since Jude was resting a bit and on top of him was Jill inside of the latters room.

Jill: So it's still asleep?

Jude: Yeah sorry if we can have sex right now.

Jill: That's alright, next time I want a whole day of sex without stopping.

Jude: Promise.

Now Jill was sleeping on Jude's chest while he is still awake and for some reason he senses telling to worry for Wang.

Jude: What's wrong with me right now?

As Jude slowly got up of the bed, he was free and got up as he was planning to go ahead on the drawing room since he wants to play games as he was on the door and it opens and saw Nena

Jude: Nena what are you doing?

Nena: Well I was having some plans to sleep with you but since you are still awake I want to ask, Where are you going?

Jude: In the drawing room, play some games or something, wanna come?

Nena: Sure And my chance as well to get my daily 'milk' right now.

Ash Like Snow (Self-insert X Gundam 00)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum