RC5/Comet: 13 - The Fairy Gundam's Debut

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3rd POV

Now at the large Gundam Hangar we can see Sherilyn and Alice with some Brave Celestial Members, while Ian and Linda is supervising them, with the help of several Manjuus with Haros with & without Karels alongside the MCU Mechanical arms are working on a new Gundams one is the Destiny Gundam codename to 'Fairy' by Leafa naming it was due to its GN Energy Wings and Wings Of Light resembling that of a Fairy as they were almost done and it need a few tunes and more while next to it was the Strike Freedom inside of its cockpit that resembled Brave Celestials' 3.5 and above Generation Gundam Cockpit uses instead of the traditional cockpit that the Gundams in SEED & SEED Destiny in Brave Artemis uses is Jude wearing his wearing his civilian type clothes was working on it typing super fast on the holographic keyboard alongside his Haro having a Haro port to assist control the Gundam.

Both the Fairy and Strike Freedom Gundam alongside its other Gundam comrades from the Cosmic Era here in Brave Artemis also uses two physically link GN Drives and Technology classified as 7th Generation Gundams of Brave Celestials.

Jude: Just a few more and we are done here.

On the last click the Gundam system was done he was going out of the Gundam looking back they had a lot of Gundams on hand since Eco Calore pilots the new Astraea II Type E since the Type E is using the base of the Type F2 and as well the GN Armor design is base of Setsuna's Exia Repair 2 now its both for close quarters and long range Gundam while for Fon he has almost got the Astraea II but Jude recycled and upgraded the Astraea Type F2 that Fereshte have on hand using the Astraea II Armaments and the Type F2.

Now the Name of Eco Calore's Gundam is the GNDY-0001 Astraea II Kai Type E as for Fon's is the GNDY - 0002 Astraea Type F2 Kai.

Jude: Thinking back on that time making the Astraea II its sure gave me and the others a headache despite already having the blueprints and data just to make it I mean come on using both the Astraea Type F2 and the Astraea II that's cool to see as well to be a headache and as for the GNDY-0001, Astraea II Kai well we use the Type E spare parts and as well the Parts of the Type F2 and Oh boy here comes the shit show.

Jude looks at the right to see Fon already wearing his Gundam Meister Pilot Suit coming towards Jude.

Fon: Is my new Gundam Ready?

Jude: Yeah knock yourself out.

Fon ran to the Astraea Type F2 Kai while Eco also wearing his Gundam Meister Pilot Suit was following up with Fon as he was checking out the Astraea II Kai Type E and Jude was busy looking at the Gundams that they build a pair of hands covers his eyes.

Jude: Alright Alice you had your fun and I know its you.

???: Nope now guess again.

Jude: Leafa?

Leafa: You're right.

Leafa removes her hands on Jude's eyes and he turns to see Leafa was in her dark green kimono.

Jude: Yo babe, you really wanted to show off as a Gundam Meister?

Leafa: Yep plus you haven't introduced me from everyone besides your Harem and the others.

Jude: Yeah sorry about that I am going to call out all the team now.

Jude and Leafa walks away from the hanger while both Fon and Eco are still checking out the Gundam of their and plus this will be the debut of a Fairy that will soar to the space and stars.

A. Eyecatch: We can see Leafa in her Pilot suit as her background was the Fairy Gundam .

B. Eyecatch: We can see Strike Freedom and the Fairy Gundam soaring to the stars.

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