RC6/Comet: 13 - Avalon's Resolve & Progress of the Brave Celestials

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Avalon Blade POV

Now wearing my Gundam Meister Pilot Suit being the same color as Setsuna's but with white sections being black and the upgraded one from the Brave Celestials.

I am hanger second platform looking down to see the Exia Luxon and the other personal Gundams as well some of the Masurao Mobile Suits that Tohdoh with Asahina and Chiba are using to train more until their Knightmares are fully upgraded since those guys from the Black Knights side fighting against the Britannian Empire in their world from what I read about them when Black Knights' history was added to Brave Celestials' Database.

While Sen and the others are on our still upgrading ship since Sen wants to connect to the said ship's special room where the Mental Models can directly connect to F.R.I.D.A.Y. that is the same as JARVIS that can talk our new A.S.I. or the "Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth" with her voice is patterned after a female Irish one that Jude design for our Ptolemaios the acronym was weird but also understandable, logical, and sarcastic at the same time while Takao was on the repaired and upgraded 0 Raiser that still keeps it stabilizer functions but also being the same as Aila's 0 Raiser as a amplifier unit to increase the 00 Gundam's capabilities to the maximum limit training and pilot it on her own hands while Atago was looking out for Takao.

As for me I am thinking about the conversation with my family a week ago talks to Jude and Setsuna's constant teachings I still have a bit of doubts in piloting the 00 Gundam but I need to try if I don't nothing changes that combine with the Brave Celestials and my team giving me their word of helping me made my head clear on piloting the 00 Gundam again.

Looking at my 00 Gundam that is fully repaired and upgraded honestly seeing repaired made me relief and glad at the same time with GN MVS Sword III, a pair of GN MVS Sword IIs and a pair of GN Beam Sabers as for the GN Drives for this Gundam it uses the 0 Gundam and Exia's Solar Furnaces that are now physically link with each other and integrated into the the back of the Gundam's Inner Frame though the compatibility rate is no longer an issue thanks to Twilight Tsukihime that according to Jude pointed out to Aeolia while still keeping the GN Drive Arms with a pair of large GN Condensers in its place like with the B&W 00 Raiser belonging to Jude I saw that according to Jude was given by Kuro.

Looking at my 00 Gundam that is fully repaired and upgraded honestly seeing repaired made me relief and glad at the same time with GN MVS Sword III, a pair of GN MVS Sword IIs and a pair of GN Beam Sabers as for the GN Drives for this Gundam it us...

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I was about to go in the 00 Rebuild as it official name when it was upgraded to 7th Generation Gundam that Jude came up with since he explain it was since the Rebuild was repaired from the severely damage 00 Gundam with the 0 Raiser adding 'Rebuild' in my 00 Gundam suited it due to the fact it was rebuild from it severely damage 00 Gundam so I decided to accept it.

But I was still froze in one step since I can't yet to pilot this one since memories flashes back at the times piloting it resulted in failure and what Hallelujah said even with the help I am given but someone tap my shoulder and looking back to see it's Tieria Erde wearing his Pilot Suit.

Avalon: Tieria?

Tieria: I want you to get inside of that Gundam and fight in a simulator since I read some of the reports that you fought a variant Celestial ELS from your time in other worlds as a Guardian and the ELS from your time as a Gundam Meister in your Celestial Being back in your old world but I won't ask for the details since Jude told us not to.

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