RC6/Comet: 08

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Graham: Back then it was interesting to see to let the world see you as the villain when you are trying to save the world in the shadows and made the whole world united as one.

Billy: Though they were some rumors that one time that the people did say that Char use the video broadcast to hypnotize anyone watching to believe in him.

Graham: Hahahahaha that was funny but it was proven false.

Billy: Back then we did just fight them and there's Yuuji Kaiba.

Graham:Yeah, him got to ask, why did you make another Masaro Unit back then.

Billy:Hmm.. well he did ask and all but he told me the reason and all but it was personal and I won't tell you that

Graham:I see, well back to the topic, Char and his small team did made their mission fast and a hard hit than us and the Celestial Being since the Celestial did hit some of the terrorist and all and there is Republic of Taribia incident that was the first time they ever team up.

Billy: Yeah they got to join forces and all but for my point of view, well they did what they did to do to stop all three ravily but on the rumor about a One-Eyed Mobile Suit and seeing it back on the testing of the Enact I guess that was Char's due to its color if I had to take a guess he must of use it to go incognito and leaving with the Char's Gundam and if I have to guess the One-Eye Mobile Suit someone did pilot it.

Graham: Yeah if I have to take a guess on who it was I bet on the Sniper Gundam on Char's side due to hitting all three perfect marks and the resources that Brave Vesperia have was three being;

Billy: Yeah. Britannia and the Wang Family.

Graham: The House of Kyoto and.

Billy: Teiwaz.

Graham:Now let's go somewhere I hear Mina is looking for you last I hear

Now that got Billy flinch and goes to Graham

Billy: How about lets go somewhere else Graham.

Now onto Pendragon we can see around a garden and someone was there to attend it and it was Haruki along with Yui, Rei the Britannia twins, Marrybell and Guinevere, since the Twins is with their Uncle, Lelouch playing with them while both Haruki, Rei and Yui are helping with Nunnally along with Euphemia and Kaguya.

Lelouch: Who's a good girl? Yes you are!

Marrybell: Come on Uncle it's fun to play with Lelouch even its not my Lelouch back on my old world

While Guinevere was lucky to escape on the death trap as she sees Marrybell laughing with joy it made her weirded out on Lelouch sure she really love her new life but looking at 'Uncle Lelouch" really made her want to stay away from him and be with her dad since now she knows that her dad is on a mission.

Guinevere: Is this the same Lelouch who doesn't hesitate to kill everyone or anyone on the planet.

Guinevere just goes to help and join in the fun while Haruki saw this he goes and play with both of his little sister and 'Save' them and Nunnally, Euphemia and Kaguya saw this and smiled as for Yui she just stayed with three of her mothers

Kaguya:Well its so much peaceful and fun to see them playing and all

Euphemia:Yeah and besides we are all glad we met Jude

Kaguya:Well when we did hear Char was there and all as he heard it from Nunna-chan the name of Tsukihime since there are alot of Tsukihime first name and last name, we think that he was the last sole survivor of the Tsukihime family

Ash Like Snow (Self-insert X Gundam 00)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang