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He lightly slapped my cheek before turning around and walking away. "Tomorrow. You, young lady will be thrown overboard.''He said. I couldn't even process the events unfolding around me. The man lifted me again and we started walking towards the door. "Stop." I yelled. "Please don't do this..."

I did not want to die. I could not die before reaching Frances. He needed me and right now, I needed him. I tried to plead with the captain about my situation but he was unwilling to listen. The Captain's door slammed behind us. I was brought back down to the holding cell.

I sat in the corner of the room and stared at the oval barred window. The moonlight shone a little through the window onto the floor infront of me. My mind drifted through thoughts of Sylian and Thomas, had Sylian established a plan to fight back against Verdia to protect Penoria?

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now