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"I need to get a ticket for the next boat leaving here to the kingdom of Erix," I said. The man nodded his head. "Yes I see," the man said. He seemed to flip through a roster of papers. His finger trailed down a list of names and dates. "I regret to inform you ma'am but, the next boat isn't until tomorrow morning," he said.

I took a deep breath inward. I would have to wait another day to rescue Frances. I reached out my hand and placed three golden coins onto the counter, I still had the extra three the man had given me stowed away. The man wrote my name down on his sheet of paper and scheduled me for a ticket for tomorrow.

The ticket however was just a sheet of paper with my name and destination scribbled hastily upon it. I walked away from the counter and out towards the busy street. I found a nice hotel where I could sleep for the night. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part TwoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt