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The animal opened its mouth and released a sound similar to a door squeaking. Frances looked at the raven and then said, "Hello birdie." The bird looked at him quizzzingly tilting its head from left to right, the bird's eyes flickered from black to a ghostly gray as the raven's inner eyelid slipped over the eye into place.

The bird opened its mouth widely, tipping its head forward. "Hello" it said. I was astonished that the animal spoke, just as a parrot would. I had seen raven's only a few times in my life but I had never seen them speak. Frances grabbed the raven's leg and wrapped the piece of paper around its ankle, he spoke to the bird again.

"Now, birdie ye bring this note to Thomas he said. The bird looked at Frances as if he understood every word, the bird uttered back "Thomas" before taking off into the sky leaving us standing in the woods. 

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