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She explained that through her voyage she made it to a beautiful meadowy village, where fairies walked, and flew. I re-read that last part four or five times. The fairies in our land did not have wings, Sylian explained that the colony was very different from our own. The fairies had tiny pointed ears, spoke in calming voices, and had long tranith.

A family along the border lines of Penoria and Verdia, lived on farmland they told Sylian of the many lies Verdia had spoken about Penoria's people. She told me in her note that it was similar to our own story. Two countries fighting because of greed, malice, and corruption that only caused pain.

Penoria had fled to keep their families safe, the thing was though they all were struggling to survive their colony was poverty stricken, being overtaken by sickness, and was confined to their bubble. 

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