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Raven threw the sun high into the sky and it stayed there, this is how the raven stole the sun and gave it to all the people. The chief looked around at the crowd, "why do you think our people feed the raven?" I heard some of the children slyly whisper the answer approvingly to their parents and the other elders sat quietly.

The chief elder stepped down, coming closer to the crowd of people. "We give food to thank the raven for giving us light" he said lastly. The colony rose to their feet bowing to the elder, as a sign of respect.

The story had been perfectly concluded, and now it was time for bed for the young one's. The fathers walked off first, to get the last of the food that was made. The mother's took the children by hand, others scooped up their babies allowing them to get comfy in their arms before laying them perfectly cozy in their beds. The same woman who had given us soup earlier, walked over to us. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now