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Two large men appeared behind the captain holding a smaller man underneath his arms. He was badly battered and bruised. They dragged the man over to the side of the boat and pinned him backwards against the rail. I moved closer through the crowd to see what the spectacle was all about.

The captain stood in front of everyone speaking in a slurred speech, "This is me boat and if you ever think to cross me. This sha'll be your fate as well." The captain was clearly drunk and did not care about his wobbly apperance. He staggered towards the man and pushed his finger roughly into his chest.

"What do we do to thieves," the captain said. The two large men hoisted the man up higher against the rail tipping him almost over. They are gonna throw him overboard. He'll die. The ocean's current is way too strong and the water is below freezing temperature's at night. 

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