Chapter Three

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I watched the flame twirl and lost myself within my mind, I thought of Frances how far away he could be. I wondered if he was coming to find me.. I sat there for a long while thinking about what I should do next, and that's when it hit me. Frances would know the map from heart and if he wasn't able to find me amongst the forest.

He surely would go off the original plan and head for the mountain range. First thing tomorrow I would leave the cave and travel towards the mountain. I rushed over to the bag and pulled out the map and compass. I ate while I studied the projections of the map.

The snake was similar to the frog but a little tougher to chew, I didn't care too much to focus on the food but rather I sat there analyzing every single angle, divot, creek, and tree on that map. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora