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Astraeus and Eos' daughter Astreia, who got her namesake from her father, was commonly portrayed as wearing a laurel wreath upon her head. she had been bestowed the most important task: the ruler of fallen stars; she herself was like a star from the heavens.

Astreia watched over all of the stars within the sky however her favorite of stars were the ones that fell from heaven to the earth. The story goes Astreia turned herself into a quail flying across the world she dove into the sea metamorphisizing into an island for the wanders in duing so she fulfilled her dream of becoming a fallen star.

The story Frances depicted was one of forbidden affection, heartbreak, but more importantly love. Frances sat up and pulled the rabbit from the fire, allowing it to cool off in the night air, once it was cooled enough to eat he broke off pieces of the meat and passed me some of it. We didn't use any utensils, just our hands. 

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