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It was a boat itinearary. It dictated when passengers were allowed to be on the top deck, meal times, and to keep the ship clean due to sickness and animals that could try to seek passage on the boat. I placed the note on the desk and proceeded to the top deck for the first meal time. The sailors performed their duties while the passengers stood in a lineup.

A man stood near the front of the boat with a large cauldron looking pot and a spoon. Another man would hand the passenger a bowl and spoon and then the other man would serve the meal. The food looked rather mushy, and gray colored. Not the most appetizing looking meal.

I took a spoonful into my mouth. It was just mashed potatoes. They werent the most seasoned, but they were still rather delicious. The passengers were to eat their meals and then return to the lodgings for the night. 

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