'I love you'

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Wednesday's POV

So right now I'm currently pretty depressed. Basically I'm even less happy than i normally am. Because, for some reason, I'm currently under the impression that my girlfriend Y/n is gunna break up with me. I don't know why but I'm feeling things and i don't like it.

"You've gotta tell her. She'll make you feel better." Enid says.

"Or she'll think we should break up." I say.

"This overthinking is going to drive you mad. Probably more than it already is. So go talk to her. Seriously. If you don't go tell her it's gunna eat you up inside." Enid says.

I nod and go to her dorm. I knock. The door opens and she smiles.

"Hey. Come in." She says.

I walk in and she shuts the door.

"You okay? You seem kinda sad." Y/n says.

"Yeah i uhm.. i need to talk to you. Ask you a question." I say.

We sit on her bed. Y/n sits, as she likes to say, crisscross applesauce. I was deeply confused the first time she said that.

"Talk to me Weds. What's going on?" Y/n asks.

"I just... i guess I'm just... I'm scared that.. at some point soon you're going to break up with me. You're gunna realise you don't like me anymore." I say.

"Oh Weds. Come here." She says, opening her arms.

I sit next to her and she wraps her arms around me.

"You have absolutely nothing to be worried about. I'm not going to break up with you. Ever. You are officially stuck with me. I love you a lot. You're never getting rid of me." Y/n says.

I feel myself smiling.

"Now i know that's a big thing and i don't want you to say it back until you're ready too. But i love you and I'm not going anywhere. Like i said, you're stuck with me." Y/n says.

She places a kiss on the side of my head.

"I love you too." I say.

I feel Y/n smile.

"Well i reckon that's pretty good. Consider me entirely happy right now." Y/n says.

We lay down, Y/n's arms still wrapped around me.

"Thank you for making me feel better." I say.

"That's my job. Thank you for talking to me about it. I know it wont have been easy for you to come talk to me about." Y/n says.

"Enid convinced me." I say.

"Yeah i kind of figured. But at least you told me. I'm glad you've told me how you felt. You still actually told me though so that's big." Y/n says.

I nod.

"How would you like to go to the fair later in Jericho? I know it's not usually your thing but we can go on the big wheel and hold hands." Y/n says.

"As long as i get to hold your hand." I say.

"The whole way around." Y/n says.

This is something I've always liked doing with Y/n. At least since we started dating. And we do that. The whole way around and actually kiss at the top.

All good in the end.

Thoughts? We're putting updates here now. I'm slowly bringing stuff back. Byeee :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now