Pinning her to a wall

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Wednesday's POV

I'm in my dorm with Y/n. Enid is elsewhere with Thing. Me and Y/n are messing around. We're more play fighting than anything else. We're just shoving each other to mess around.

I shove Y/n and make a run for the door but, because Y/n is terrifyingly fast, she catches up to me and pins me to the wall. My arms above my head with her hands on my wrists.

We're breathing kind of heavily. It takes us both a moment to register the position we're in. I think we've both been wanting to be in this position for a little while. There's been, as Enid likes to say, a lot of tension between the two of us.

I know Y/n isn't going to do anything. So i kiss her. She kisses back and moves her hands from my wrists to my hands. We lock fingers and the kiss deepens quite a bit.

I pull back.


"What?" Y/n asks.

"...nothing." I say.

I kiss her again. She kisses back. This is out of the ordinary for me. But I'm trusting my emotions and letting them drive me today.

She moves closer so she's literally inches away from me. But doesn't pull back. She begins to kiss down my neck. I lay my head back against the wall. This is insane but it feels great. I see why people do it so often.

I look at our hands and just lay my head back against the wall.

She does something that I'm not quite sure what she does but she does it and it feels amazing. Like i can feel it in my stomach. There's a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't explain the feeling if i tried. While she's kissing my neck might i just say.

I might have to ask Enid.

She then does another thing. I dont know if she did it in purpose or not but i hope she did. She does this thing with her knee.

She moves her knee... somewhere and applies a bit of pressure. But fuck it feels good.

I let out a deep breath. The door opens. And because we're right by the door, we cant move fast enough. So, Enid has just caught us. We pull back though and let go of each other.


We cant even get annoyed because it is her dorm as well as mine. So she can just walk in.

We both stand rather awkwardly as we all stare at one another.

"So I'm not going to ask about what I've just seen. But if you're gunna continue, do it in your room." Enid says.

"I should probably go anyway. I have.. extra work to do." Y/n says.

I nod.

"Uh yeah. Yeah I'll uhm.. I'll walk you to your dorm." I say.

Enid's POV

They leave and i immediately call Yoko.

"You have just spent the last 4 hours with me. What else could you possibly want?" Yoko asks.

"I just walked in on Y/n and Wednesday making out next to the door. Y/n literally had Wednesday pinned to the wall and had her knee pressed up into a certain place." I say.

"Shut the fuck up. No fucking way." Yoko says.

"I'm not fucking with you." I say.

"Oh my fucking god!"

I spend literally an hour on the call with Yoko just waiting for Weds to come back. The door finally opens and Weds walks in.

"Okay, gotta go. She's back." I say.

I end the call. Weds is literally blushing.

"You're blushing!'

"No I'm not. You saw nothing." Weds says.

"Nuh uh. I am absolutely not staying silent about this. You two were making out like mad while she had you pinned to the wall. I saw the knee too." I say.

Okay now she's officially blushing.

"Shush." Weds says.

She sits at her desk and starts typing. I will NEVER let her forget what i just witnessed. Weds sighs and turns around.


I sit on the edge of my bed and smile.

"When... when she was... y'know... when she was kissing my neck... i got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that i couldn't quite pin down." Wednesday says.

I smirk a little.

"You, my good friend, were turned the fuck on!" I exclaim.

"Okay.. what does that mean?" Weds asks.

"Y/n was kissing your soft spot on your neck and had her knee in a certain spot. It made you feel good. That pit in your stomach, was you turned on. Like you wanted to go further but didn't wanna say anything cos you'd never done that typa thing before." I say.

"Okay.. right. Thank you." Weds says.

She turns around and i smirk to myself. I lay down. They're 100% going to fuck in the near future. And i might end up walking in on it.

Your POV

I just lay in bed and think about what happened earlier. It's almost as if Wednesday wasn't actually Wednesday. Not that I'm complaining because I've been waiting for this to happen for almost a year now.

While i lay thinking about it, there's a knock on my door. So i go open the door and there stands Wednesday.

"Hey. You okay?"

She nods.

"Can i come in?" She asks.

"Yeah of course."

I step to the side and she walks in. We wind up making out again and, out of the blue, doing the deed against the door and then in my bed. Best day of my life.

Thoughts? Gunna call my doctors on Monday and finally try getting into sorting out my gender reassignment stuff so i could maybe start T in the coming months. Anyways. Hope yall enjoyed. Byeee :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now