Big fall out

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Your POV

I walk into Wednesday's dorm behind her and slam the door shut. She looks at me.

"What is your problem?" Wednesday asks.

"You're my girlfriend and you're here trying to get me killed! What is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"I'm not trying to get you killed." Wednesday says.

I scoff.

"So you're telling me you 'going on a date with me', which really turns out to us and Tyler hunting down the Hyde and nearly getting me killed isn't trying go get me killed?!" I yell.

"You act like i did it on purpose." She says.

"Getting me nearly killed doesn't make a shudder of a difference whether it's on purpose or by accident! You are my girlfriend! Girlfriends dont nearly get their girlfriend killed!" I yell.

She stays silent.

"And i thought you genuinely gave a shit about me. You clearly dont. You cared more about Tyler than me when i was the one who got slashed in the fucking leg by the Hyde when Tyler was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!" I yell.

She remains silent.

"Y'know what. We cant be together anymore." I say.

She looks at me with a frown.


I stand shocked for a second. I'm at a loss for words.

"Did you listen to what i said about you nearly getting my life cut prematurely short to 16?!"

She stays silent.

"No y'know what no more feeling bad for this. We're done. I'm not nearly dying again." I say.

I leave the room and slam the door shut.

Wednesday's POV

Y/n slams the door behind her. I stand for a second just trying to process what's happened. I sit in front of the window and pull my knees up into my chest. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

The door opens. I look up and see Enid laughing as she walks in with Thing. She looks at me and her facial expression immediately changes. She closes the door and rushes to me. She sits in front of me.

"Weds what's wrong?" She asks.

I try to speak but cant. The words wont come out. All that comes out are tears from my eyes and sobs.

"Weds, hon." Enid coos.

She pulls me into a hug. I just sit there crying while she rubs my back trying to make me feel a little bit better.

"It's okay. I'll go get Y/n, yeah?" Enid says.

"N-no. W-we broke up." I struggle.

"Oh Weds." She says, softly.

She sits trying to calm me for almost an hour. He eventually gets me calm. I sit back and wipe my eyes.

"C'mon. We're gunna watch your favourite movie together. I'll talk to Y/n tomorrow." Enid says.

Well it didn't make a difference because we haven't spoken since. Y/n has walked with a limp since we got attacked.

I miss her. As much as i hate to admit it, i miss her. Life has been a struggle without her.

I'm stood in my dorm. It's been 3 weeks. I'm just stood blankly staring at this wall. Enid is out with her friends and Thing is with them.

There's a knock on the door that drags my attention back. I go open the door and see Y/n.

"Y/n." I say, feeling a cold burst travel through me.

"Hey... i-uhm.... i was hoping we could talk." She says.

I let her in the room and close the door.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"For what?"

"For breaking up with you." Y/n says.

I feel my heart sink in my chest a little.

"I love you. And I'm so so sorry for how i reacted. Truth be told it's been horrible since i broke up with you. I'm so sorry for getting so annoyed about that situation. Honestly I'd give my life for you and I'm just glad it was me who got slashed and not you. I'm so sorry." She says.

I look at her leg. It's still in a pot.

"How... how is your leg?" I ask.

"It's getting better. Not a whole lot but it's getting better." She says.

I nod.

"I forgive you." I say.

"You do?" She asks.

I nod.

"Yeah i do. I missed you a lot." I say.

"We dont have to get back together if you dont want us to. I know getting past it isn't going to be easy." She says.

"I do want to get back together. I owe you an apology too. I nearly got you killed multiple times in one night. And i threw a torch at your face." I say.

She smiles.

"Yeah you got me right in the eye." Y/n says.

I did notice the black eye over the first few days.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"You dont have to apologise." Y/n says.

"Can we just forget this happened? We never broke up just fell out?" I say.

Y/n nods.

"Yeah." She says.

I smile. Which makes Y/n smiles. I pull her into a hug. Which she accepts and hugs me back. While we hug, i lay my head on her shoulder. We only ever cuddled a few times in the 5 months we were together. She's very comfortable.


She hums.

"Do you.... maybe... want to cuddle?" I ask.

I feel her smile.

"If you're comfortable with it." She says.

"I am." I say.

I pull back from the hug. We lay on my bed cuddling. I have missed this.

"I love you." I say.

I feel her smile against my neck.

"I love you too." Y/n says.

We fall asleep. I'm just so glad we're back together.

Thoughts? Idk where this one came from. Byee :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now