'Dyeing my insecurities away'

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Wednesday's POV

Y/n has had no lessons today so she's spent the whole day in our room. I have noticed that they have been off recently. They've been acting a little different. Been wearing hats more often.

I know that means something is wrong.

I'm heading back to our dorm. I soon walk into the room and get hit by the rotten scent of ammonia. I look at Thing.

He points to the bathroom. I walk to the bathroom and see Y/n stood at the mirror with a box and, what i can only assume to be hair dye. They're wearing one of my favourite shirts of theirs.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" I ask.

They look at me and smile.

"Hi cara mia!" They exclaim.

No matter how weird i find this situation, i do like it when they call me that. It almost makes me smile every time.

"What are you doing to your hair?" I ask.

I love their hair. I severely hope they're not doing anything too bad to it.

"I'm dyeing my insecurities away." They say, with a wide smile.

"Has someone been saying things about your hair?" I ask.

"No.... yeah... multiple people. But it's fine! Cos i was planning on dyeing it anyways!" Y/n exclaims.

"Who's been saying things? I need you to tell me." I say.

"Just random people in all honesty. Some people dont like the like colour of my hair so they'll say things about it. But it's genuinely fine because i was planning on changing the colour of it." Y/n says.

"You like the colour of your hair normally. You want going to change it at all." I say.

"Okay maybe not but it's fine love!" They exclaim.

"Y/n i like your hair." I say.

Y/n gasps a little.

"You like something about me?" They ask.

I cant help the genuine shock that finds itself sat on my face.

"I like everything about you, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Aw, my love. That's so.... genuinely like human of you." Y/n says.

They've been drinking. I'm positive.

"Y/n how much have you had to drink." I say.

"Not much. Just enough to convince me to dye my hair." They state.

"Okay. Right. Maybe we should start by putting down the dye." I say, taing it from them.

"Now what. I cant go sleep. I got dye in my hair." Y/n says.

"We wash it out." I say.

"You're so sweet. I fucking knew there was a soft side of you!" They exclaim.

"You bring it out." I say.

"Cos I'm stupid and you get really worried about me." Y/n says.

"You're not stupid. Come on. Lets get this dye out." I say.

I help Y/n wash the dye out of their hair and then i clean it.

"You like how soft my hair is when it's dry dont you?" Y/n says.

I have admitted this. Against my wishes. They got me to admit it.

"Yes. Yes i do." I say.

"I knew you did." They say.

"I've already told you i do." I say.

"When?" They ask.

"Before we started dating." I say.

"Ohhh okay. Ohhh yeah! When you like confessed literally everything you liked about me. When you like panicked." Y/n says.

"Yes i remember that." I sat.

Y/n smiles. We decide to lay on Y/n's bed, cuddling.

I've got better at cuddling with Y/n since we started dating. My family absolutely adores Y/n with all their hearts. Mother said that out of everyone both me and Pugsly have brought home, Y/n is her favourite. Pugsly loves Y/n. No more than i do.

"Wait wait."

Y/n sits up. I look at them.

"Can like... can i have a hug? And a kiss?" Y/n asks.

I nod. Y/n hugs me. So i hug back. They lay their head on my shoulder. I know they're going to fall asleep. So i lay down on their bed and almost immediately, they're asleep.

They should be fine in the morning.

Thoughts? Byee :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now