Fight to the death

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I feel like this song best suits this chapter so go read and listen to the song. If you wanna.

Date/Era: Ancient Rome

Your POV

I have basically been gifted a death sentence. I have to go to the Colosseum and fight 35 people to the death. Because i didn't have the money to pay my taxes. So now, 35 people will fight me to the death and if i win then i get a pass on my taxes for 3 weeks and i get money for doing it.

Then obviously, if i lose, i die. Pretty straight forward. No taxes and a lot of money or death. It's a dangerous game to play but i have no choice. If i didn't pick this option then I'd be executed and I'm only 19. So i would like to live longer.

So now, I'm getting ready to go out. I have a shield and a bit of body armour. I have a sword. I hear my name get shouted and walk out. The people in the Colosseum begin chanting.

I dont know what they're chanting but they're all chanting the same thing. The Colosseum is stacked full. Absolutely stacked. Every seat is full. I can see it around. This is terrifying. I look around and lock eyes with the Emperor's daughter. Jenna Ortega.

Fuck... I'm gunna die.

The first of my 35 opponents walk out. This woman is about my height. My build. Older than me.

There's no friendliness in this. She comes charging right at me. We fight it out for a while before i put her down. I just leave her in the middle of the floor. The next one comes out.

A guy this time.

I take down almost all of them. We're coming up to the last one now but I'm on the ropes with the 34th. I'm exhausted and don't think i can keep going.

But after a long fight, i finally take this guy down. He was built like a brick house.

He's dead.

The Colosseum errupts in applauds. It's crazy. I was a villain about 4 hours ago and boo'd after the first 4 were killed. But I'm getting liked by everybody here. Everybody is cheering for me. Including the Emperor's daughter.

But i know the last one is to be the hardest one to kill. My sword and shield are on their last knockings. I was told that, providing i make it to the last challenger, it's a fist fight.

She finally walks out. My heart sinks in my chest. I'm so fucked.

Shit. Looking at her, she's at LEAST 6'6. 250lbs. She's a monster.

She has just her chest piece. Nothing else. No weapon. No shield. So i ditch mine. We approach one another and it begins. She beats the life out of me for what feels like forever. When she has me grounded, i know I'm dead.

She swings. I catch her fist, much to my own surprise. She throws her other. I catch it. The people in the Colosseum cheer. I bend her wrists backwards and begin to stand. I snap both of her wrists and just hit her until i physically cant do anymore. In which, i grab my sword and finish her off. I drop to the floor and the Colosseum errupts in cheers.

This is odd i will admit.

I stand up and the guards walk in.

"You have proven your worth. You're free to leave." One says.

I leave the Colosseum and go home. Gotta fix myself up after that intense day. De-stress after killing 35 men and women in total.

I patch up my many many wounds and sit down on my bed. The door bangs. Fuck. I stand up and go to the door. There stands the Emperor's daughter. Jenna Ortega.

"Hello. How can i help you?" I ask.

"I saw your battle this afternoon. To take down 35 fully grown adults as a 19 year old is more than impressive. So after you've had the night to recover, i would like to maybe get to know you and meet somewhere to do that." Jenna says.

"Wow uhm... yeah for sure." I say.

"Your performance was admirable so i want to know what made you fight like that. I've seen plenty of people fight that woman you fought at the end and die to her. But you beat her. You must've had a reason to do it. And i wanna know your reasoning." Jenna says.

"We can definitely meet tomorrow. Maybe come here tomorrow and we can walk around together." I say.

Jenna smiles.

"Yeah. Definitely. Take care of yourself tonight." Jenna says.

I smile.

"Yeah you too." I say.

She walks off and i close the door. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I wonder what could happen.

Okay tiktok did it. I dont want any complaints. Im in a block and im lacking in the mental health department today. Sooo yeah. Hope yall enjoyed. Im not gunna take a break but i hope yall enjoyed :)

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