First kiss

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Wednesday is sat at her desk in her dorm. She's questioning her every life choice right now. She knows she shouldn't have told you. But she did it anyway and now she has to deal with the repercussions.

Truth be told she's kind of scared to do abythingin relation to her feelings towards you.

She decides to go on a walk. While she's walking, she hears someone call her name out.


She turns and sees you. She ignores you and keeps walking.


She keeps walking. You run over and stand in front of her. Making her stop.

"Wednesday. Hey. Look. I need to talk to you." You say.


She keeps walking. You let out a sigh.

"Wednesday please!"

You rush after her.

"Wednesday stop!"

You stop in front of her making her stop again.


"No Wednesday listen to me."


"I just want to talk about what you told me."


She tries to walk off. You grab her shoulders and she looks at you.


"Wednesday listen."

"No. I know what's going to happen. So just leave it and we never have to talk ever again." Wednesday says.

She pushes you off of her, gently as to not hurt you, and walks off. You groan in frustration and walk after her. You turn her and kiss her. She stands in shock. You pull back.

"Look the reason i didn't say anything when you told me you liked me is because i panicked. And i froze. When you left i... guess i unfroze. And i realised that i was being stupid. That's why i ran after you." You say.

"I was being stupid. Forget.... no... why do you like me? I'm nothing but rude and inconsiderate towards you." Wednesday says.

"I got used to it." You say.

"I'm going to stamp on your heart. If you make this move, i am going to destroy your heart and shatter your feelings." Wednesday says.

"I've been through a lot worse than a heart break. You know this. I can handle this." You say.

She looks you dead in the eyes. You hold up your pinkie.

"We're together on this. We'll figure it out together. Deal?" You say.

She nods.

"Deal." She says, wrapping her pinkie around yours.

You've made it explicitly clear just how important pinkie promises are to you. She knows not to break them.

"You know how important they are." You say.

"I know. So the mere fact that I'm making this promise should show you how serious i am." Wednesday says.

You nod.

"And... uhm... i-uh... i want you to... uhm.... w-would you...."

She sighs in slight frustration. You raise your eyebrows slightly in confusion and slight worry.

"Could you.... i want you to.... uhm... will you...."

She groans in frustration.

"For gods sake. Kiss me!"

Your eyebrows raise in slight amusement.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

"Y/n kiss me."

"Are you sure?"

She sighs and kisses you. You smile a little and kiss back. You put your hands on her waist. She puts her hands on your shoulders after 5 seconds of trying to figure out what to do.

Weems looks out of her office window and sees you and Wednesday kissing.

"Huh. I never would've seen this coming. Good on her." Weems says.

She looks away.

Back to you guys.

Wednesday pulls back from the kiss. You both kind of stand there.

"Why did you make me do it?" Wednesday asks.

"I wanted to see if you'd do it or not. And you did it." You say.

"Unexpected?" Wednesday asks.

"Very. But i suppose you're full of surprises, aren't you." You say.

She almost smiles. You motice the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"I mean the biggest surprise was the fact that you fuckin blurted out that you liked me. And then ran off." You say.

"I didn't intend on just blurting it out. I think my brain fogged up. That's why i left after i told you what i did." Wednesday says.

"Well, i like you too. Obviously. I also think we should go back to the dorms." You say.

She nods. You both go to your dorm instead of hers and Enid's. You dont share a dorm with anybody. So you two can talk about anything.

In the end, all good.

Thoughts? I'm dead, dying and burried rn ughhh 😭😭😭

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now