"You'll have to go through me"

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Wednesday is stood facing Thornhill. She has a gun pointed at Wednesday. Wednesday is stone faced just staring back at her.

"You think you scare me?" Wednesday asks.

Thornhill puts a finger on the trigger. Wednesday is hoping for a miracle. And a miracle she will receive. Just before Thornhill pulls the trigger, you stand in front of Wednesday. The shock radiates off of Wednesday. You've never done this for anybody.

"Y/n move." Thornhill says.

"You wanna kill Wednesday, you gotta get through me first." You say.

"Dont think i wont." Thornhill says.

"Then do it. You'll have to kill me to get through to Wednesday." You say.

Wednesday grabs the back of your arm. Thornhill scowls. You raise a brow.

"You gunna do it?" You almost tease.

She fires a shot into your shoulder. Wednesday almost gasps. You shove Thornhill to the floor and turn to Wednesday.

"Go finish off Joseph. I'll keep this one at bay." You say.

Wednesday nods and runs off. You fight off Thornhill for as long as physically possible. She knocks you down and runs off. You struggle to your feet when you notice Wednesday in serious trouble. Xavier fires an arrow that Joseph stops and shoots back. Wednesday jumps in front but you jump in front of Wednesday, taking the arrow in your shoulder.

You groan and kneel. You scowl and look up at him through your eyebrows. You pull the arrow out from your shoulder.


"Shut up and fight." You say.

Wednesday stands next to you. You're a wolf. You helped Enid wolf out not even an hour ago. You feel your anger bubbling over inside of you. Wednesday knows you're a danger when this happens. You pounce on Joseph. As he's not expecting it, you take him down. You fight him off for a bit while Wednesday finds the sword. Joseph jabs you with a knife into your side. You let out a groan and fall off of him.

He stands up and turns into Wednesday's sword. He screams in agony as Wednesday pushes the sword deeper into his heart. You lay on the floor as Joseph fades away.

Wednesday kneels next to you. Just before Wednesday gets to speak, Thornhill walks through the doors and out into the courtyard. She yells in anger.

"I'm so done with this place!" She screams.

You stand up and in front of Wednesday.

"Why dont you put the goddamn gun down and fight like your not a pussy!" You say.

She screams and fires another bullet into you. This time in your leg with causes you to drop. She knew that you'd protect Wednesday simply because, you trusted her before you knew about her. You told her you had feelings for Wednesday and that you'd die protecting her. So she's using silver bullets.

"Silver bullets. You knew didn't you?" You say.

"Well it doesn't take a genius. I mean you told me yourself the other week. You'd die protecting Wednesday. I knew you'd be here. I knew it'd be you. I'm smarter than you think Y/n." Thornhill says.

"Yeah. Sure." You say, knowing exactly what's about to happen.

Bees start flooding in. They surround Thornhill. When they ground her, Eugene walks out.

"Dont mess with Nevermore. Bitch." He says.

Wednesday walks over to Thornhill and kicks her in the face. Since Wednesday wears the boots she does, it knocks her clean out. Wednesday kneels next to you.

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now