Watching you fence

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Wednesday's POV

Y/n has taken up fencing. She's going to face off against Bianca today. We all know that Bianca is fantastic at fencing. So anybody who can beat her is surely to be labelled the best fencer in Nevermore.

I'm sat watching.

"Okay Y/n. Here's the deal." Bianca says.

Y/n nods.

"Two rounds. Free roam of the whole room. Fight fairly. Whoever gets nicked first, meaning cuts or drop off the sword, loses." Bianca says.

"And say i drop my sword first then you drop your sword. What then?"

"Sudden death." Bianca says.

Y/n nods. They shake hands and start. Bianca is basically all over Y/n. She's becoming over confident. Y/n is keeping her cool. She's doing well. They're fighting without the helmets. I can see the calm look on Y/n's face. To say this is her first fight, she's calm and composed. She's holding it together.

Bianca begins to back Y/n up a little. Y/n trips over Bianca's bag and falls over. She keeps a tight grip on her sword. Bianca puts her sword so it's pointing at Y/n's throat.

"What happened to fair?" Y/n asks.

Bianca steps back. Y/n stands up and the fight continues. Y/n starts backing Bianca up. Y/n is fighting to drop the sword. Biana is fighting to catch Y/n's face. I can see it. And that's what happens. Bianca catches Y/n's face. A cut forms on her cheek. It's a big cut.

"First round goes to me." Bianca says.

Y/n puts two fingers on her cheek and nods.

"I'll give it to you. That's a pretty big cut." Y/n says.

She removes her fingers from her face and they fight round 2. Y/n takes over through the second round. Y/n applies all the pressure she physically can. Which takes Bianca back and throws her by surprise. Y/n knocks the sword out of Bianca's hand.

Y/n steps back and looks at me. I stick a thumb up to show Y/n that she's doing well.

"You're good. Sudden death." Bianca says.

The two stand in the middle of the room. There's something about Y/n that's just so attractive.

They fight. The sudden death round lasts almost 20 minutes. Bianca is in charge of the fight. She's on top of the fight. Y/n swings her sword hard enough that when the two swords clash, Bianca drops hers. Y/n stands back.

"Damn. You're good. Well done." Bianca says.

The two shake hands. Me and Y/n leave.  I take her to the infirmary. I sit her down and she gets her face stitched. We then leave. We go to my room.

"Well i have you to thank for me winning that." Y/n says.

"Why?" I ask.

"You showed me how to fence." Y/n says.

"It's hardly the most impossible sport to learn." I state, sitting at my desk.

"Stop trying to be humble. You dont do humble." Y/n says.

Since I'm facing away from Y/n, i smile. She wont see it.

"Okay. Fine. You're welcome." I say.

She sits on my desk.

"You wanna go to the Weathervain tomorrow? I'll get you a coffee as a thank you." Y/n says.

"Okay. Yes." I say.

Y/n smiles.

"Well i have work for Thornhill i need to finish off. So, i will see you tomorrow at 8am." Y/n says.

I nod and smile a little. Y/n gasps.

"Dont you dare." I warn.

Y/n chuckles.

"Okay okay i wont. Bye Wednesday." Y/n says.

She leaves. I let out a deep breath. Enid pops out of nowhere. Which makes me jump. Internally though.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"I was sat inside the mountain of unicorn plushies." Enid says.

"And i take it you saw what just happened." I say.

"Better believe it. I saw you smile. You like Y/n don't you?" Enid says.

I look away from her. She laughs.

"I'll help you. You helped me with Ajax before so I'll help you with Y/n." Enid says.

I look back to Enid.

"Thank you." I say.

"Friend helps a friend." Enid says.

She did help me. After 5 months, Enid managed to convince me to admit my feelings towards Y/n. Which Y/n was beyond surprised about. She admitted her feelings towards me and then asked me to be her girlfriend. Which i said yes to. Thank god Enid convinced me. I would've never told her.

I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had an amazing day yesterday. And in case i dont update in the coming days, happy new year too. I may not put anything out on the 31st as i am in work but i still hope you all have a good night! Byee :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now