Ice skating

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You and Jenna are out together. You're at this massive frozen over lake that you live near. You have ice skates.

"Okay. Just hold my hand till you're used to it." You say.

Jenna holds your hand and you gently walk out onto the ice, followed by Jenna. You pull her out onto the ice, slowly.

"You're alright." You say.

She squeezes your hand tighter when she almost falls. You take her other hand into yours.

"You got me, you're alright.

You start pulling her around. She soon gets used to it and you let go. She goes off on her own. You just watch, smiling as she does. She soon comes back to you.

"This is so much fun!" She exclaims.

"You see why i do this so much?" You say.

"Yeah! Come on!"

She grabs your hand and you start skating around together. While you skate around together, she slips and you both fall. The ice is thick and doesn't smash. She falls on top of you. You both slide a little before stopping. You smile and tilt your head.

"Hi." You say.

She smiles and goes red.


"You gotta be careful of ice lumps. Or you'll end up like this. With broken bones to add to that." You say.

She sits up on your lap. You put your hands on her waist and she puts hers on your face.

"Can i give you a kiss?" Jenna asks.

"Jenna we're dating you dont have to ask." You say.

She pouts.

"Okay, my love."

She smiles. She likes it when you call her 'my love'. You sit up and lift your knees so she's sitting against them. You lean back on your hands.

"So am i getting a kiss?" You ask.

She smiles and kisses you. You kiss back. She pulls back from the kiss and you pout. Which makes her laugh.

"What're you pouting for?" Jenna asks.

"I'm sorry yeah but i was not done with the kiss." You say.

She pouts.

"Dont be mean." You say.

"Okay okay."

She kisses you again. You kiss back. She soon pulls back.


"Nuh uh."

She stands up and maintains her balance.

"If you want more you gotta catch me."

She skates off with some speed. You stand up and skate after her. She sees you catching up and manages to speed up. You eventually catch up to her and skate around to her front. You stop abruptly which causes Jenna to crash into you. You maintain your balance and hold her.

"That was cheating." Jenna says.

"No it wasn't. I caught you." You say.

"Suppose i owe you a kiss now." Jenna says.

"Well i mean yeah." You say.

She wraps her arms around your neck. You smile and wrap yours around her waist. You tilt your head. She then pulls your head down into a kiss. You kiss back. The kiss lasts a while. You both finally pull back and just rest your heads together.

"This is what i call perfect. Just me and you." You say.

She smiles. You and Jenna spend hours skating around together on the ice. You both fall over more times than you can count on both hands and feet. After a very long day of ice skating, you both go back to your house. You have a few bruises and even a couple of cuts.

"You're supposed to be the professional one out of us both." Jenna says.

"I'll have you know i am." You say.

"Well then how many cuts and bruises do you need?" Jenna says.

"Shush." You say.

She smiles. She puts some plasters on your cuts. You both then change into some warm clothes and then cuddle on the sofa.

"I love you, y'know." You say.

She smiles.

"I love you too, y'know." She says.

You smile. You both spend hours cuddling on the sofa and watching absolute rubbish on Netflix. You cook food for you both and then, at around 9pm, you both go to bed to cuddle and continue watching rubbish on Netflix.

Thoughts? Holy shit guys! This book is actually taking off really fast! Thank you! Byee :)

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