Calling her your wife on call

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You and Jenna are layed in the back seats of your car just cuddling and listening to music. And talking together.

"-and then i was like so surprised!" You exclaim.

Jenna smiles and lays looking at you. She's so in love with you. She admires you while you talk.

Then your phone rings. It's your manager. You're a singer. So you answer.

"Hey Andy."

"Hey Y/n. You free?"

"No I'm with my wife."

Jenna's eyes widen. She looks at you with surprise written on her face.

"Ah okay fair enough. Let me know when you're free and we can get to recording another song." Andy says.

"Well I'm with my wife over this weekend through to Thursday. Then she's back for filming. So around Friday."

"Sounds good. I'll clear the recording schedule and book you down for it."

"Thanks Andy."

The call ends and you put your phone down.

"Anyways. Where was i?"

"You called me your wife?" Jenna says, surprise lacing her voice.

"Oh yeah. I've been doing that a lot recently without even realising I'm doing it." You say.

She smiles.

"I think it's just cos i can imagine you as my wife so i just call you it automatically." You say.

She goes red.

"Stop. Making me blush." She says.

"It's my job, my love." You say.

She lays closer to you, basically on top of you, and smiles.

"Where too next?" You ask.

"Home please." Jenna says.

"Sounds good to me." You say.

You eventually get home and go into your house. You both cuddle in bed and wind up falling asleep, cuddled up in one anothers arms in bed.

Thoughts? Bye bye :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now