'I got you this'

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Wednesday's POV

It's my writing hour. My girlfriend, Y/n, is out right now. I have no idea what they're doing. However. They are alone. And because they do stupid things when they're alone, I'm looking at where they are on this little tracker i put on their favourite jacket. They are aware of it.

They're just by some lake. I have no idea what they're doing but they've been there for maybe 2 hours.

A little while passes and they finally come back.

"Weds!" They beam as they burst through the door.

I look at them. They have some things their hands but it's still my writing hour. Y/n has ADHD and from what i can imagine, because they hyperfixate on rocks and things like that, they have a lot of rocks in their hands.

"Y/n there's 20 minutes left of my writing hour." I say.


They sit on my bed and put their bag in front of them. I finish my writing hour and turn to them.

A very very wide smile immediately appears on their face.

"I got you this!" They exclaim, dumping out their entire bag full of rocks and stones onto my bed.

I sit and stare at the sheer amount of rocks and stones just on my bed.

"You spent 2 hours gathering all of those?" I ask.

They nod.

"Yeah! Do you like them?!" They exclaim.

I look at them. The look on their face is the most childish look i have ever seen on a human. But, it does make me almost smile when they get me these things.

It's their show of appreciation towards me which i, unbeknownst to them, find adorable.

"I do. Very much." I say.

They smile.

"I dont have any space for them though. All the boxes of the stones and rocks you've given me in the past are still full." I say.

They run off and come back 20 minutes later with a box.

"I got you a box! For the stones and rocks!" They exclaim.

I cant help but smile at them.

"Okay. Help me put them in the box then." I say.

We sift through all of them and i pull about 10 out that are my favourites and put the rest of them in the box.

My favourites go on the, pretty conveniently built, large shelving system that Y/n spent 4 hours building. Aptly named 'Weds favourite stones/rocks'. Which, pretty obviously, Y/n named.

To say they just collect rocks and stones, they always seem to find some really really nice ones out of the tons they find.

We then just sit on my bed and talk for literally hours before deciding to change into our pyjamas and cuddle in my bed. Which I've always enjoyed doing with Y/n. They're really comfortable to cuddle with.

I love them. They're so cute. Which is not a term i use lightly. I hate the word 'cute' when it's used to describe people. It's not my favourite. But i use ot to describe Y/n because they're cute.

So we just lay there and cuddle and eventually, we fall asleep. All comfortable and quite warm under my covers.

Heyyy sorry it's been so long since i updated here but i hope you all enjoyed :)

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now